Children’s travel beds in the test: insider tips & 4 winners

Use the ultimate insider tips to decide which travel cot is right for your child. In the test: the best models in comparison.

During this detailed test, I looked at many different travel cots in detail and deliberately refrained from presenting a ranking of all the candidates examined.

The reason:

The models are as diverse as the requirements for travel cots. That’s why I first categorized different models and then selected a winner from each individual category:

  • All-round travel beds
  • Premium Kinderreisebetten
  • Extra-light travel beds
  • Alternatives to the classic travel cot

I am going to introduce you to different travel beds that I think are the most attractive in each of the different categories.

You can find a quick overview of the best travel cots here:

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You can find out more details about these models in this comparison report.

What are travel cots suitable for?

Babies and toddlers not only want to sleep safely and comfortably at home in their familiar cot, but also in a comfortable bed next to their parents or maybe even in a shared family bed.

For overnight stays away from home, for example on vacation or during family visits to the grandparents, the little ones should have it as pleasant and comfortable as possible as at home.

After all, a healthy sleep is extremely important, especially for the little ones!

An optimal solution is offered by travel cots that can normally be folded up or folded up quickly, easily and compactly.

All important at a glance

The average travel cot is 120x60cm. It is designed for a baby or toddler between the ages of 0 and 3 years and a maximum weight of approx. 15 kilograms.

The weight of the travel cot is approximately between 10 and 15 kg. The frames, usually made of aluminum, can be folded, folded or laid.

Usually there is a transport bag in which everything can be stowed in a small space.

The cost of such an average travel cot is between 40 and 90 euros.

With this information you should already have a rough idea of ​​an average travel cot. But just: only an average one!

In very many cases that is exactly what is sought.


Just ask yourself:

  • How often does your child not sleep in their own bed?
  • How many days or nights a year will you probably use a travel cot effectively?
  • How much are you willing to spend on it?
  • Which features are indispensable for you?

After considering these and other questions and usually hours of internet research, around 75% of all parents are ultimately looking for a good all-round travel cot – an average one.

I have therefore dedicated most of this test to the all-round travel beds.

In this category you will find most of the children’s travel beds that have been carefully examined and, ultimately, 2 models that share the position of a price-performance winner.

Here you can take a look at the two price-performance winners

What types of travel cots are there?

Nowadays you will find more and more different models of travel cots, but I have identified a total of 4 main categories that should make it easier for you to differentiate between the numerous models.

Group 1 – The inexpensive all-round travel cot

In this group I have classified all candidates who are in the price segment between 40 and a maximum of 90 euros, which by far makes up the largest part of all travel beds considered.

Who are all-round travel beds suitable for?

This type of travel cot is designed for occasional use and is right for you if you use it for one vacation a year and maybe occasionally for a few days.

They basically offer all the important functions, but usually have no special extras and are of normal weight.

Group 2 – the premium travel cot

Do you only want the very best for your child and are you willing to pay a certain extra charge for this? Then you should look for a travel cot for your child in this category right from the start.

Premium travel cots are characterized by additional extras such as a changing mat. Workmanship and materials are above average, but so is the price.

Who are premium travel beds suitable for?

You either don’t have to look very closely at the price or you often use the travel cot. Then it may make sense to spend a little more money for that reason alone.

For example, it can make sense to think about a thicker, better mattress, especially if you use it frequently, which you will often look for in the all-rounder category in vain.

So you either have to buy them separately or you take your request into account right from the start and look around in the premium class. Here you will find many models that rely on particularly high-quality mattresses .

Group 3 – extra light and compact

A travel cot is already designed for mobility, but there are huge differences in weight.

While the average weight is around 12kg, there are lightweights in this category that weigh just 5kg.

Who are extra-light travel beds suitable for?

It may not make much difference whether you stow a 12kg and 1m long package in the trunk of a generously sized family car, or whether it is a 5kg and half as long lightweight.

But if you have to carry your luggage yourself for the most part (for example when traveling by air) or have to stow it in the smallest of spaces, then that can be decisive.

In that case, you will probably be happy for every pound you can save. In this group you will only find travel cots that have been specially weighted.

Group 4 – alternatives to the classic travel cot

Recently, more and more variants of the classic travel bed have appeared on the market. They certainly have a right to exist, because the main thing is to offer the offspring a safe and sheltered place to sleep.


Instead of the normal fold-up bed, it can also be a nest, an extra bed, a cradle or a hammock.

Who are alternative travel beds suitable for?

You should already know the preferences and sleeping habits of your offspring a little better and maybe have already made one or the other overnight excursion. Then you know how your child behaves in an unfamiliar environment in which he is supposed to sleep.

When sleeping, children are as different in their behavior as in many other things and developmental steps.

So if your child sleeps almost anywhere without any problems, then you can also try unconventional things like a hammock.

Perhaps your child needs very close contact at home in familiar surroundings and you are actually sure from the outset that it would never sleep alone in a travel cot.

In that case, you should look around for a nest or an extra bed as a travel cot.

The most popular features and extras for travel cots

We know and love them all – little helpers in everyday life, special functions and extras that are built into a wide variety of devices.

They may not be strictly necessary, but they make things easier. And with some of these features, you can hardly even imagine life without them.

So you shouldn’t be so surprised that special functions are also advertised in the field of travel cots. Whether they are really indispensable, or at most nice-to-have – you ultimately decide on your own.

But it is certainly important that you have at least a rudimentary knowledge of what is on the market.

This chapter is therefore intended to give you an overview of what travel cot manufacturers can come up with to make their product more attractive to the competition.

Extras for travel cots – the changing mat

The changing mat – it is almost part of the standard equipment of many travel cots and in many cases it is simply THE practical additional feature, which is ultimately decisive for the purchase decision of a certain travel cot.


But is that really justified? It depends on…

Many parents swear by a changing mat for the travel cot. However, if you take a closer look, you will find that this is especially the case with smaller children of infancy.

I will also tell you why this is the case:

The size and comfort of the changing mats for travel cots are already designed by the manufacturer for smaller children of infancy. The available space is limited and therefore more problematic for older children than for babies. In addition, toddlers from 2-3 years of age are usually much more lively than newborns.

To cut a long story short: larger and livelier children would certainly prefer to change diapers on the sofa or on the parents’ bed than on a relatively small changing mat of a travel cot. For younger babies, it’s often an indispensable feature.

Extras for travel cots – mobility through castors

Some travel cots for children are characterized by the fact that they have rollers or small tires either at the head or at the foot end (in some cases on all sides).


This allows you to move the bed comfortably – also and especially when it is already set up.

This can be extremely useful in many cases, especially in a particular situation it may decide whether your child wakes up or not.

Extras for travel cots – integrated toys

Integrated toys – in travel cots often in the form of a mobile or play arch above the child’s head area – can often have a calming and thus positive effect.


Because you can safely attach such things separately and independently of the travel cot used, this extra is not one of the indispensable things that the dream travel cot must have in any case.

Extras for travel cots – storage space

You know that for sure: you can never have enough practical storage space and additional storage space, especially with a small child.


The side wall of a travel cot can thus be a simple side wall made of fabric, or it is upgraded with various pockets and storage areas.

Extras for travel cots – the hanging

Often parents express the wish with regard to the functioning of travel cots that they or the surface of the children in the bed should be height-adjustable.


In principle, an optional hook fulfills this requirement exactly.

With an elevated lying position, you have less effort to put your child in bed or to take them out of bed. And you see it much better too.

In addition, such a hook can of course be removed quickly and easily as required.

Recommended travel cots for children

I would now like to introduce you to travel cots that I noticed particularly positively during my research and in a comprehensive comparison.

Recommended all-round travel beds

The test winners in the field of all-rounders are the children’s travel beds from Hauck (Dream N Play) and Fillikid (Giraffe travel cot).

Both travel beds come with a practical carry bag so that you can easily transport it.

Hauck Dream N Play Kinderreisebett

With the Hauck Dream N Play, the low price combined with good stability and security was convincing. In addition, Hauck is the best-known and largest manufacturer and therefore has the most experience in this area.

The travel cot is suitable for babies and children between 0 and 15 kg.


Fillikid Reisebett Giraffe

The Fillikid Giraffe travel cot, on the other hand, scores with many extras that are not taken for granted in this price segment.

At just 8.3kg, it is also a lightweight among all-rounders, without having to forego standard functionality.

The travel cot is designed for babies and children between 0 and 5 years of age.


Recommended premium travel beds

The test winner in the Premium Group actually combined all the extras I had already presented, such as a changing mat.

In addition, the bed is of extremely high quality, which you can clearly see from the many positive comments on Amazon.


Recommended travel cots for children: extra light and compact

Just 6kg and a very compact size for transport make the Baby Björn travel cot Light the clear test winner in the category of extra-light travel cots.


Recommended travel cots for children: alternative beds

If you are already thinking about using an extra bed, or if it is generally an option for you, then the test winner in this category is just right for you.


Tips & tricks about travel cots and healthy sleep

As different and diverse as the travel cots are, there are still a few tricks that you can use for almost all models.


And when it comes to sleeping in a travel cot, it is often general assistance that in most cases will help you very well.

I have put together the most important tips for you below:

The construction and dismantling as well as the pitfalls

Basically, the construction of a travel cot should be very simple and, above all, self-explanatory. However, you can still hear of cases where stressed parents are desperate to set up a travel cot.


The first and most important note for this:

There is actually always an instruction manual and it usually serves its purpose quite well. So do not be too proud, but study them carefully. Even if this may seem superfluous to you at the beginning.

When dismantling, toys or other things are often forgotten in the numerous shelves and pockets of a travel bed. These can then lead to the linkage getting caught or no longer folding.

My tip: take some time before dismantling and make sure that there are no more things hidden that don’t belong there.

When loosening connections, rods or other utensils, remember that child safety devices are locked and do not try to bend or fold anything with force.

The 3 best tips so that your child can fall asleep well even on vacation

  • Almost every child struggles to a greater or lesser extent with difficulty falling asleep . With your favorite cuddly toy or another familiar object, you can avoid a lot of restlessness, especially in a strange environment.
  • A bedtime story almost always works wonders – maybe it can be a little longer on vacation?
  • You should definitely stick to the usual rituals from home. You will help your child and ultimately ensure that it comes to rest even in unfamiliar surroundings.

Conclusion on the test of travel cots

healthy sleep is very important for your child. It is therefore certainly advisable to first find out more about the various travel cot models.


  • Ultimately, however, most parents only use a travel cot for a few days a year.
  • There are no products found for this. certainly the best decision. The quality of the beds in these inexpensive models is on an astonishingly high level.

On the other hand, if you can already see that the new travel cot will be used more often, then invest a little more.

  • Above all in a high-quality mattress and then, depending on the requirements, in additional extras such as a changing mat or in particularly light models.
  • In this case I recommend premium travel beds * or extra-light travel beds * .

I hope that the information about the various travel cots will make your choice easier for you and that you will soon be able to take your child with you on your travels.

I created Sleep Knowledge to share my interests and experiences on healthy sleeping with others. On this page I am therefore dealing with interesting questions about the optimal night’s sleep & everything else that goes with it.

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