Snoring splints are one of the most effective remedies against unpleasant noises. However, there are a few important things you should know before you buy.
If you suffer from loud snoring then you are sure to be looking for an effective remedy for it.
One of the products that scores best in almost all tests is the anti-snoring mouthpiece.
How these work, what different forms of snoring devices there are, what costs are associated with them and much more information can be found in the following article.
Among other things, it deals with the following topics:
You are also welcome to jump directly to recommended snoring braces:
I hope you can find enough information in this post to decide whether an anti-snoring device is even the way to go for you.
What are anti snoring splints?
Anti-snoring splints are differently shaped splints made of plastic that the patient places in their mouths while sleeping.
- Among other things, these correct the position of the jaw – the airways remain open and they prevent the tongue from slipping down into the throat and causing snoring noises there.
- The splints position the lower jaw slightly forward and thus ensure tension. At the same time, they prevent the tongue from falling into the throat – and this is exactly what makes the effect:
For many doctors and sleep experts, these splints against snoring are the products with the best price-performance ratio and the highest success rate.
By the way: The correct dental term for an anti-snoring splint is protrusion splint . (Protrusion is the name for the advancement of the lower jaw.)
Both terms can be found on the Internet.
How do anti snoring splints work?
Inserting a custom-made snoring device for the patient avoids many potential triggers for snoring.
- Because the splint influences both the position of the jaw and that of the tongue.
- … and at the same time guarantees an unobstructed air flow, it can quickly provide a remedy in many cases.
Since the doctor individually adapts an anti-snoring splint to the anatomical conditions of the wearer, these are considered extremely effective.
In short: the snoring splint creates tension in muscles and tissue and thus prevents the previously flaccid tissue from vibrating.
When are anti snoring splints preferred?
Anti snoring splints are used when mouth breathing provokes snoring or when it occurs in the back of the throat.
When the upper respiratory tract is narrowed, the flow of air past the soft palate and uvula can lead to snoring noises.
Note : In 80 percent of all cases of snoring, breathing through the mouth while lying on your back is responsible for snoring.
What types of anti-snoring splints are there?
Basically, snoring splints differ in two types:
- One-piece snoring splints
- Two-part snoring splints
The more complex the processing and the higher the quality of the materials used, the higher the price of the different models can be.
It is important that the splint used offers enough setting and adjustment options to influence the causes that provoke your snoring.
In general, the following applies : the more precisely a snoring device can be adjusted, the higher its efficiency.
One-piece snoring splints
As the name suggests, the one-piece splint is a solid plastic splint that adapts to the patient’s jaw.
The one-piece snoring splint significantly corrects the position of the lower jaw.
Two-part snoring splints
A two-part snoring splint takes into account the upper and lower jaw and it is possible to make fine adjustments between the two splints.
Both the production and the adjustment are more complex, but at the same time allow a more precise setting.
Two-part rails are also at the front for wearing comfort. It is precisely set which movements are prevented and which are possible.
Note: Do not confuse snoring splints with mouthguards for sports.
Who are snoring splints for?
Especially if your snoring occurs while lying on your back and breathing through your mouth, an anti-snoring splint is a very effective tool to reduce snoring.
According to studies, they are effective in around 90 percent of patients.
If your snoring has causes other than those mentioned above (such as poor nasal breathing or dry mucous membranes), it is very possible that a snoring device is not having any effect on you.
Tip: You can find many more products in this article on anti-snoring products.
The anatomy has to be right in order to be able to adjust a snoring device correctly
Every snoring splint must be adapted to the anatomical conditions of the wearer.
Therefore there are some basic requirements that you have to meet in order to be able to use one.
That speaks against a snoring splint
The use of an anti-snoring guard is not recommended if:
- there are fewer than 8 teeth in the lower jaw
- a chronic underbite already exists
- the patient’s gums are inflamed ( gingivitis )
- the jawbones are still growing
Before you get a snoring device, you should always first document your snoring behavior and also seek the advice of a doctor.
Tip: Here you can find out everything you need to know about the various causes and treatment options for chronic snoring .
For temporary causes of snoring, such as colds or other illnesses, the use of a snoring splint is not recommended.
If you have more serious health problems, a snoring device is also not the right way to treat your snoring.
Sometimes surgical interventions are even necessary.
Possible side effects of snoring splints
For most people who try a snoring device, the first experience is mixed to negative.
Since the jaw moves into a new position and you have a foreign body in your mouth, you need a certain adjustment phase to get used to the snoring splint.
Muscle tension in the jaw and a dry mouth are typical side effects of the first few days.
In most cases, a few days are enough to get used to the splint. The side effects then also subside.
What do anti snoring splints cost?
The price of an anti-snoring splint depends on its design, the material used and the quality of workmanship.
Simple one-piece snoring splints that work without being adjusted by a doctor are available for less than 30 euros.
An example of such a cheap snoring splint is the anti-snoring master .
Two-part snoring splints are also available in different designs. Simple models with few setting options cost between 70 and 150 euros.
A custom-made splint that the dentist aligns precisely with your jaw can cost 300 euros and more.
Does the health insurance company cover the costs for anti-snoring splints?
In general, you should assume that statutory insurance companies will not take over the creation of an anti-snoring mouthpiece by your doctor.
In contrast, some private health insurance companies include such additional costs.
Tip : Talk to your doctor if you are thinking of having a custom snoring device made for you.
In the case of serious health problems, it is possible in exceptional cases for the health insurance company to agree to appropriate treatment.
Where can I get an anti-snoring splint?
Many snoring splints are available in normal sanitary shops or in pharmacies.
- It is also possible to order these online from retailers such as amazon.
- Most anti-snoring mouthpieces that are available over the counter do not offer the option to customize them.
Some expensive variants, such as the Somnofit-S snoring mouthpiece , have different position options, but without the appropriate setting, these can impair success.
Note : Sometimes it is worthwhile to try out a cheap snoring device to check whether it works and whether it interferes with wearing.
However, for a comprehensive and long-term solution, you should consult a dentist or an ear, nose and throat doctor.
An anti snoring splint from the dentist
If they endorse treating your snoring problem with a custom-made anti-snoring splint, it will take about 2 weeks for the splint to be produced.
At your first appointment, the dentist will take an impression of your jaw position. On the basis of this impression, a special laboratory will manufacture your individual snoring device.
As soon as this is available to the dentist, there is a new appointment in which the dentist adjusts the splint precisely in your mouth.
You can then take the finely adjusted splint home with you in order to insert it in the evening before going to bed.
Tip : Always get a cost estimate first before you agree to the creation of an anti-snoring device.
How long is an anti-snoring splint durable?
As with all products, the durability of an anti snoring splint depends on the processing and the materials used.
- The cheaper the splint, the more likely it is that the material will tire faster.
- Two-part anti-snoring splints sometimes offer the option of adjustment, but this diminishes over time.
With an expensive snoring splint from the dentist, readjustment is often possible at any time, but the visit to the doctor also entails corresponding costs.
Specific figures: Cheap rails usually last at least several months. With individually adapted snoring splints, you can count on a durability of around 4-7 years.
Anti-snoring splints in the test
If you search the Internet for “Which is the best anti-snoring device?”, You will find a large number of pages with corresponding purchase recommendations and tips.
However, since it is often not easy to distinguish which product is actually good and which was only listed for reasons of sale, I recommend that you look for reviews from other users.
For example, with the products I mentioned in the text, the anti-snoring splint SomnoFit and the anti-snoring master, you will find many customer opinions that will help you with your purchase decision.
The best anti-snoring mouthpiece
If you are looking for an absolute test winner, I will unfortunately have to disappoint you:
Since the effect depends heavily on the fit, a snore stopper can be very effective for me and hardly change anything for you.
In terms of quality, however, the over-the-counter splint from SomnoFit convinced me. It is of high quality and I didn’t notice any jaw pain even after wearing it for a long time.
I would therefore recommend this model – but you have to try it out yourself.
Conclusion: are snoring splints an efficient help against snoring?
If the cause of your snoring is where the anti-snoring splint starts (mouth breathing, jaw position), success is usually possible in the relatively short term.
- A good 80 percent of people who have tried a snoring device state that it has reduced their snoring.
- However, this is not a guarantee of success: There are also snorers who were unable to register any changes with an anti-snoring device.
According to statistics, older people over 50 and people with a heavy weight tend to snore at night. Sometimes an anti-snoring mouthpiece cannot help either.
Closing word
You are also welcome to browse through the other articles about snoring to find out more about the causes and treatment options.
More about snoring:
- Snoring (overview article with all information)
- The best anti-snoring products
- Home remedies for snoring
- Snoring During Pregnancy
- The best snoring apps
- Nasal patch for snoring
Hope you found this overview of snoring braces useful.
I created Sleep Knowledge to share my interests and experiences on healthy sleeping with others. On this page I am therefore dealing with interesting questions about the optimal night’s sleep & everything else that goes with it.