Snoring During Pregnancy – Dangerous or Not?

Snoring is common during pregnancy, but it is usually harmless. Here you can read everything about the reasons and helpful measures – and when it is better to see a doctor.

Many expectant mothers (and often their partners) are confronted with a new problem during pregnancy: snoring.

  • Even those who have not had any problems with snoring before can suddenly be surprised by them during pregnancy.
  • Sleepless nights and constant fatigue are often the result. The causes of snoring during pregnancy have very different reasons.

This article covers the following topics in more detail:

I hope this article has all the information to help you if you are pregnant and have started snoring.

Don’t worry – I’ve found most of them completely harmless from my research.

So you shouldn’t worry at first, because a third of all pregnant women snore during their pregnancy.

Usually this has no serious consequences.

When does snoring occur during pregnancy?

The likelihood that pregnant women will snore increases as their pregnancy progresses.

  • Most women do not start snoring until they are six months old. This has to do with the causes mentioned above.
  • The larger the belly and the more hormones are distributed in the body, the greater the risk of snoring while sleeping.

However, many women do not snore during the entire pregnancy.

Causes pregnant women snore

The sudden occurrence of snoring noises during pregnancy can have very different reasons.

The most common reasons are:

  1. A changed sleeping behavior
  2. A hormonal change
  3. Swollen mucous membranes

In the following I will go into more detail about the individual causes:

When the sleeping position causes snoring in pregnant women

A changed sleeping position is often responsible for the fact that pregnant women suddenly start snoring.

  • Because the belly is getting bigger and bigger, many women switch from prone to side position when sleeping.
  • Or others who habitually sleep on their side find the supine position more comfortable during pregnancy.

Since the sleeping position influences breathing and the position of the tongue, a new position can provoke snoring noises.

Even sleep during pregnancy or by sleeping problems then occur frequently.

The side position is recommended

Pregnant women should prefer to sleep on their side. This not only reduces the risk of snoring, but also lets you breathe freely.

Loud snoring noises are particularly common on the stomach or back, as these positions encourage mouth breathing while sleeping .

Often a correction of the sleeping position is enough to stop snoring as quickly as it started.

At the latest when you have had your child, you will automatically sleep again as you did before the pregnancy.

TIP : Lay out some soft pillows in bed that can be used to correct your sleeping position in a comfortable way. Side sleeper pillows are also recommended .

When hormones cause snoring in pregnancy

During pregnancy, the expectant mother’s hormonal balance is repeatedly turned upside down.

In particular, progesterone, known as the pregnancy hormone, can cause snoring.

The hormone ensures that the tissue in the body loosens and prepares it for the changes that occur in the course of pregnancy.

The hormone ensures relaxation – and snoring

As a side effect, soft tissue in the throat area can also loosen.

When the air you breathe passes through this softened tissue, the annoying snoring noises can occur.

After the birth at the latest, the balance of hormones in the body is restored and the soft tissue solidifies itself again. This should stop snoring too.

How swollen mucous membranes cause snoring during pregnancy

The blood circulation is generally stimulated during pregnancy.

  • The improved blood flow causes the mucous membranes to swell, including in the nose.
  • If the nasal mucous membranes obstruct the air supply, it can lead to snoring.

Either the “stuffy” nose is to blame for the snoring noises, or the switch to mouth breathing, which generally causes snoring more than nasal breathing.

Sometimes a simple nasal patch or snoring splint is enough to improve breathing. Also Schlaftees evening are recommended.

Note: There are numerous other great anti-snoring products out there .

Is snoring dangerous during pregnancy?

In general, snoring is not dangerous, especially if it occurs occasionally during pregnancy.

  • However, you should be careful if snoring becomes chronic or if breathing pauses during sleep .
  • These can lead to an insufficient supply of oxygen and thus to more serious damage to health.

Especially with pregnant women it is important that the oxygen supply is constant and constant.

If in doubt, go to the doctor

If you experience what is known as sleep apnea, i.e. paused breathing, you should see your doctor as soon as possible.

Even if you are not sure, if in doubt you should definitely describe your snoring problems during a routine examination.

Warning: sleep apnea can increase the risk of premature births, but only 3 to 5 percent of all cases are in the risk range.

Side effects of snoring in pregnant women

Snoring can be a major problem for you, but also for your partner and the rest of the family.

Often pregnant women who snore during the day lead to greater fatigue ( daytime sleepiness ) and generally they do not feel rested and weak.

Tip : An afternoon nap can work wonders to regenerate yourself.

What to do if you snore during pregnancy?

A few simple things can help you reduce snoring during pregnancy.

For example, make sure that the air in your bedroom is not too dry.

A humidifier with or without essential oils can quickly help regulate the humidity in the bedroom .

Behavioral changes for better sleep

If, on the other hand, you suspect that your sleeping position may be responsible for your snoring, try to change it consciously.

Sometimes a different pillow helps , which encourages you to sleep on your side. Also bolsters or orthopedic neck pillow help bring your body into a better position.

A detailed article about remedies that can help against snoring can also be found on this page. Just follow the link above.

Caution: Only use nasal sprays or special anti-snoring medication after consulting your doctor. Some of these products contain ingredients that can harm you or your baby!

Will my snoring stop after pregnancy?

In most cases you can answer these questions with yes.

If you didn’t have any problems with snoring before pregnancy, it is very unlikely that it will continue after you become pregnant.

If you are one of the few cases who still snore after the birth of the child, I recommend reading our additional articles on the subject of snoring.

Among other things, there are articles on the following topics:

Tip: Here you can find out how you can optimally promote your child’s sleep .

Closing word

You are also welcome to browse the other sections and find out which measures you can take to improve your sleep:

Often more regular sleep times or measures such as autogenic training or not using a mobile phone in the bedroom help against too little sleep and sleep disorders during pregnancy .

  1. In the bedroom category there are helpful tips on how to optimally furnish your bedroom (e.g. with air beds ).
  2. In the next section you will find more information on common sleep problems and sleep disorders .
  3. We explain current studies (understandable for everyone) in the category of sleep research .
  4. General tips & strategies for a healthy night’s sleep can be found here: Sleep better .

I hope this article about snoring during pregnancy has been helpful to you.

I created Sleep Knowledge to share my interests and experiences on healthy sleeping with others. On this page I am therefore dealing with interesting questions about the optimal night’s sleep & everything else that goes with it.

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