Which snoring app is the best – and whether such aids really bring better sleep. Current apps in comparison & numerous tips for better sleep.
Do you also have a partner whose snoring deprives you of a sound sleep every night?
- Or do you wake up alone in the morning and feel exhausted?
- Snoring prevents a good night’s sleep, and it is very important for the body.
With modern snoring apps for smartphones, those affected now get aids to help them understand snoring and – if possible – avoid it in the future.
- But do the apps keep what they promise? Or are they better recording devices with no further effect?
- I have studied the market for you and will introduce you to some of the snoring apps currently available.
And of course I will explain their advantages and disadvantages and give you tips on how to use them so that you can find an app that is right for you more quickly.
You can find more information about the following topics below:
First, I’ll cover a few general snoring tips before I introduce the best snoring apps.
If you are short on time, you can also jump directly to the apps .
However, I recommend that you take a few minutes to learn how snoring comes about in the first place (and what you can do about it).
If you suffer from your own snoring yourself, some of the apps presented can certainly help you. I already wish you a better night’s sleep.
The causes of snoring
Before you start loading an app onto your smartphone, you should pause for a moment and think about how you snore, how often it happens and under what circumstances.
There are very different causes of snoring and some can be fixed quickly and easily without an app. With other causes, however, it is advisable to consult a doctor.
The best thing to do is to think about the following points:
Infobox: Watch your snoring properly
Write down the following information on a piece of paper (for yourself or for your partner):
- When does snoring occur?
- How often does snoring occur?
- Does snoring occur after certain drinks or foods?
- Are you ill when you snore?
The points listed can help you a little with self-diagnosis.
You can then collect further data with one of the presented apps:
How exactly do snoring apps work?
The first and most important function of a snoring app is to record and register snoring noises during the night.
- The microphone of the telephone determines whether the room is quiet or noises can be heard.
- The app saves the volume, type and duration of snoring and makes this data available to the user.
A snoring app provides helpful data on your sleep and snoring behavior, but cannot directly influence your snoring.
However: At least you will sleep problems and sleep disorders attention – and then, for example, the sleep position change, to improve sleep.
Various additional functions of a snoring app
In order to set themselves apart from the competition, many manufacturers have integrated very different additional functions into their app.
Here are some of the most common built-in features:
- Different alarm functions
- Music or sounds to help you fall asleep
- Sounds to stop snoring
Not every app has all functions – I picked out the most popular applications and compared them in a practical test.
The snoring app test winner
Which is the best snoring app depends a lot on what you want to use it for.
If you just want to sort out whether you snore or not, all apps are equally good.
However, if you have serious problems with snoring and you want to do something about it, you should choose one of the apps that will be the most detailed in collecting all possible data.
Tip: In my opinion, Snore Lab is a very good recommendation with comprehensive and helpful functions. Only sleep as android is even more extensive, even if the controls there often seem a little cluttered.
The best snoring apps in comparison
In the following I would like to introduce you to the most successful snoring applications currently on the market.
Each app is introduced and explained with a short text.
Snore Lab:
The Snore Lab application offers very extensive functions and is a very popular snoring app with over 1 million downloads.
- In addition to snoring, the app also measures its volume and intensity.
- The app summarizes the determined data in statistics that you can export to the computer.
- This makes it easier to analyze your snoring behavior better, even if you are visiting a doctor.
To reduce your snoring, the app offers different solutions, such as the use of snoring splints or nasal plasters .
Note: Here you will find the best pillows & more information on the correct sleeping position for reduced snoring: Pillow tested .
You can then use the app to determine whether the tools are efficient. In addition, you can enter data yourself that might affect your snoring (alcohol consumption, exercise, etc.).
Unlike other apps, Snore Lab does not interfere with your sleep.
Sleep as android
The app is perhaps the most comprehensive sleep app on the market and not just specifically geared towards snoring.
- Over ten million downloads confirm the success. First and foremost, Sleep as android can be described as a sleep aid app.
- After installation, you can play different music or sounds to make it easier for you to fall asleep.
During the sleep phase , it is recorded how much you move and what sleep noises you make. All this data is available to you after you get up.
Since Sleep as android can differentiate between deep sleep phases and more light sleep, you can avoid the app waking you up during a deep sleep phase. This should enable a better and rested wake up.
The app can be combined with many other devices such as a smartwatch or lamps.
When you snore, you can use sounds like clicking your tongue to help stop snoring.
The intelligent alarm clock and sleep aid is very popular with many users.
Download: Sleep as android
Do I Snore or grind
This application is primarily intended to determine whether you are snoring or gritting your teeth .
It records all noises and you can then listen to them. You can set in advance whether you want to record only snoring, only grinding your teeth, or all sounds.
- In addition, the app also offers comparison data that help you analyze your snoring or grinding your teeth.
- The application is also available separately for snoring (Do I Snore) or teeth grinding (Do I grind).
An alarm can be used to wake you up if the app detects snoring or grinding your teeth.
Note: Here are more tips on how to set up the bedroom optimally for better sleep.
Sleep Talk Recoder
The name of this app says it all: It records all the noises you make in your sleep.
This also includes snoring noises. Whenever noises are registered via the mobile phone microphone, the Sleep Talk Recoder records them.
When you wake up, you can listen to the soundtracks.
The primary purpose of this app is to help people capture what they are talking about in their sleep. However, it can also be used to determine whether and how much you snore. However, the app does not offer any further analysis tools.
Snore Clinic
This app was designed by a clinic specializing in sleep problems.
It is primarily used to determine whether what is known as snoring apnea occurs when snoring.
- This is a serious disturbance of breathing during sleep which has very negative long-term health consequences for the patient.
- With Snore Clinic you can determine whether you snore normally or whether there are dangerous pauses in breathing.
A traffic light system – red, yellow, green – then clearly shows how risky your snoring is. The recorded data and sound files can help your GP make a diagnosis.
Note : Snore Clinic has not been rated as very effective by many users.
Download: Android | Apple
Snore Clock:
This very simple app registers snoring noises while you sleep.
In the morning you will see a graph with the hours slept. The times you snored are highlighted in red.
- The maximum recording time is 11 hours. You can put the mobile phone or tablet on which the app is installed next to the bed.
- With the data obtained, you can check when and how often snoring or other phases of sleep occur.
You can also enter other data that may influence snoring, such as the use of medication, the consumption of alcohol or exercise before going to bed .
The basic version of Snore Clock is free. If you want to use the full range of functions, you can purchase an extended version.
Prices for snoring apps
Most of the snoring apps presented are free in their basic version.
- So you can download them risk-free and see if they are useful to you.
- Some apps offer additional functions that you can activate via in-app purchases.
These are relatively cheap and cost less than five euros on average. You can try it out as an app and only buy additional functions if you are convinced that you like and use the app.
Tips for using snoring apps
Since the apps consume energy even in standby mode, it is advisable to connect the mobile phone or tablet to a power supply during the night.
This prevents the recording from being terminated due to insufficient batteries.
Pay attention to how close the device used must be to the sleeping person. A separate setting of the microphone sensitivity helps to adjust the snoring app to your conditions.
Conclusion: snoring apps are helpful, but do not work miracles
As you can see, most of the snoring apps have very helpful functions for collecting data.
- Depending on how serious your snoring problem is, you can choose a more or less extensive app.
- The data collected is also useful if you are planning to seek medical treatment.
The hope of being able to end your snoring with an app, however, is not fulfilled. For some people, the sounds that some apps use to stop snoring help very well. For other people, however, they are absolutely ineffective.
And be careful: Smartphones often have a negative effect on sleep . When in doubt, it is better to leave your cell phone on the kitchen table and write down your snoring habits by hand.
If used correctly, snoring apps are of great help
Since the first step in solving a problem is realizing it, snoring apps are great tools for determining how much you are actually snoring.
And with the collected data you can try to find an effective way to prevent snoring.
Closing word: sleep better again
Not only does snoring negatively affect our sleep, but bad habits as well. Better sleep hygiene has an impact on overall wellbeing.
Here are some tips:
- Make your bed an oasis of well-being: Put on the right pillow and make sure you sleep in the right position .
- Regulate the temperature & humidity in your bedroom ! In order to sleep well, it should be rather cool.
- Avoid caffeine, alcohol, or cigarettes in the evening. Do not eat too late before going to sleep , but avoid fatty foods a few hours before.
- Exercise regularly, but not in the advanced hours of the day! It is better to postpone sporting activities to the morning or the early afternoon.
- Stick to regular waking and sleeping times! Try to keep to this rhythm as best you can. A sleep ritual like autogenic training can also help.
Hope this article has been useful. It’s best to browse the linked articles to find out more about how you can ensure deep & healthy sleep.
I created Sleep Knowledge to share my interests and experiences on healthy sleeping with others. On this page I am therefore dealing with interesting questions about the optimal night’s sleep & everything else that goes with it.