Sleeping naked is trendy. More and more people do without clothes in bed. But what potential health benefits and risks does this bring with it?
There are many different preferences when it comes to sleeping, and it’s no wonder that the topic is also very personal.
- Some people sleep best alone, while others can’t stand it.
- Or the sleeping position : some lie on their back at night, others on their side or on their stomach.
Few other sleep preferences, however, divide the minds as much as the habit of sleeping naked.
While some prefer to be cozy at night and cuddle up completely under the covers in pajamas, for others every bit of fabric is too much.
In this article you will find out why sleeping in Adam’s or Eva costume is such a controversial topic and what advantages it really brings with it.
How many people sleep naked at all?
Is it unthinkable for you to lie naked in your feathers? You are not alone in this:
Most people sleep partially clothed, a large proportion also fully clothed!
The division according to gender is particularly interesting: According to a survey in America from 2004, men (31 percent) sleep naked twice as often as women (14 percent).
Only a relatively small percentage sleep naked – but the staunch supporters are growing steadily. Reason enough to take a closer look at this trend.
Why sleep naked – what are the advantages?
We now know about the health benefits that good sleep has in store for us:
- We can concentrate better, are more efficient and more creative.
- By the way, a successful night’s sleep affects our health!
What is new, however, is that people who sleep naked can still benefit from additional advantages. For example the following:
1. Better quality of sleep
It is common knowledge that a lower temperature is better for a good night’s sleep.
Experts therefore recommend turning the temperature and humidity in the bedroom down a little.
- In fact, this can also be influenced with clothing. Pajamas or even some of them can increase your own body heat.
- Lowering body temperature results in deeper sleep for many. This means you wake up less often and you can recover better.
The body can compensate Temparaturunterschiede better and suffer less frequently from night sweats or sleep maintenance problems .
Note: There are a few simple steps you can take to improve your sleep. For example with a matching pillow. For the ultimate pillow purchase advice .
Better sleep quality with balanced sleep phases has many more advantages:
- Harmful by-products in the brain are easier to break down.
- Information processing and problem-solving skills are improved.
- People are more creative and can process emotions better.
- In the further course you can cope better with stress.
In general: Not only too little, but too much sleep can be unhealthy. The decisive factor is the quality of sleep.
The more comfortable you feel in your own bedroom, the better. If being naked helps, then that’s great.
2. Plus points for health
But that’s not all: the cool temperature when you sleep naked has even more effects.
Because as your body cools down, the body’s metabolism speeds up. Now he’s producing brown adipose tissue to keep you warm.
What is brown fat? This is a special form of fat cells that are able to convert excess energy into heat.
In short, brown adipose tissue produces heat by burning calories – this increases your metabolism throughout the day and may even help you shed a few pounds.
The amount of brown fat in the body can be increased by the cold. In addition, sleeping naked improves blood circulation, which is good for the heart and muscles.
Tip: There are more ways to get a better night’s sleep. Autogenic training promotes sleep as well as practical aids such as neck rolls .
3. Attachment to the partner
Clothing is always a barrier: in some situations this is necessary and indispensable. But sometimes it can be out of place – especially in the bedroom.
- Oxytocin is a hormone that has all kinds of positive effects on us: it works against stress, depression and high blood pressure.
- When you sleep naked with your partner, the production of this hormone can increase. It is not for nothing that it is also called the love hormone.
One study also found that couples who sleep naked are happier in their relationship.
If you want more closeness in your relationship, sleeping naked can be a good place to start.
4. Confidence
It’s hard to believe but true: something as banal as sleeping can also have an impact on our self-confidence.
We wear clothes almost always and everywhere. This can possibly also be explained to a certain extent by a lack of self-confidence: Do you really feel good when you are naked?
And what does sleeping have to do with it?
- If you sleep naked for a long period of time, you will feel more comfortable in your own skin over time.
- The more comfortable you feel in your body, the more your self-confidence will benefit from it.
Confidence is extremely important to your success. It strengthens your confidence in your own abilities and helps you overcome challenges.
Is it healthier to sleep naked?
In the best of cases, sleeping without clothes certainly has some advantages. But can you really say it is always healthier?
- Sleeping naked makes the biggest difference in terms of your own body temperature.
- As already described above, this can influence some things: in addition to the metabolism, also the blood circulation and certain hormones.
Sleeping without clothes is not always better – your personal preferences play a major role here.
- If you feel comfortable in your pajamas and do not suffer from problems such as lack of sleep or constant fatigue , you do not have to change anything.
- On the other hand, if you enjoy sleeping in the Adam’s costume, then you can continue like this and enjoy all possible advantages.
In short , the answer to this question basically depends on whether you feel comfortable sleeping naked.
What to wear in bed
Whereas in adulthood it doesn’t really matter what you wear in bed, you have to be careful with children and babies!
The following is a brief overview of the things that you should definitely pay attention to.
When it comes to clothing a baby is primarily not about comfort, but about safety.
Garments shouldn’t be too tight, but neither should they be too loose. Shirts that are too wide could slide up over the head, increasing the risk of suffocation.
Tip: Rompers are best for the little ones. A sleeping bag that can simply be pulled over it is also practical at this age.
You can find more information on how you can optimally support your child’s sleep at night here: Promoting sleep in children .
Infants and young children
You can switch to pajamas at the age of one. A blanket is now enough to keep the children warm.
Choose clothing made of cotton – it is soft and breathable – this also keeps your body temperature balanced.
Young boys and girls often begin to make their own rules. At the latest, however, when your child moves into a larger bed, the time has come.
Tip: stick to your own feelings when it comes to assessing the temperature.
There are no real guidelines for adults. Everyone knows best what they need to sleep.
- Choose light garments that won’t cramp you.
- If in doubt, it is also better to wear less.
- This is the best way to support the natural balance of your body temperature.
Also, make sure that your pajamas are not too loose – who wants to get tangled up in their sleep? But the most important thing is that you feel comfortable. Only then will you sleep well!
Note: In addition to the right outfit, the rest of the environment should also promote a healthy night’s sleep. Here you can find out how to best furnish your bedroom .
Disadvantages – what speaks against sleeping naked?
That all sounds very interesting, but you are not quite sure whether you want to do without pajamas and underwear in bed from now on?
Here are a few reasons your objections might be justified.
- You just feel uncomfortable!
Some people just can’t get used to the feeling of being naked. Even if you try it again and again, you don’t really feel good about it.
In this case, you shouldn’t force yourself to do it either. Use a few, light items of clothing for this.
- Bed linen has to be changed more often
Since people sweat more at night , it is necessary to change bed linen and sheets more often. But especially when you sleep naked.
Usually, you should wash the bedding every two to three weeks. This is necessary weekly for naked sleepers.
- You tend to sleepwalk!
Again, think twice about what to wear to bed. If you want to avoid nasty surprises or embarrassments, nothing should be left to chance when in doubt.
- Only possible to a limited extent when traveling and on the go!
The habit of sleeping naked is often not so easily transferred to changed situations.
- For example, imagine you have to spend the night with friends or at the house of your in-laws.
- Even when traveling and in hotels, many refuse to hop into the sheets without undergarments.
Of course, this point is also strongly related to the personal attitude.
Closing word
I hope this overview has helped you and that you know more about how sleeping naked affects your wellbeing.
You are welcome to continue browsing this page and do something good for yourself.
- You may want to learn more about what to consider when choosing a cozy pillow .
- Or maybe you just want to find out how to sleep better and give yourself a few hours of rest
- However, many Germans may suffer from various sleep disorders that depress their well-being.
- Last but not least, it also makes sense to know about current sleep research findings & apply them in practice.
Just jump to the point that seems most interesting and start creating a better quality of life today.
I created Sleep Knowledge to share my interests and experiences on healthy sleeping with others. On this page I am therefore dealing with interesting questions about the optimal night’s sleep & everything else that goes with it.