Leading sleep researchers have conducted the most extensive research yet – and offer some surprising advice on how best to sleep.
The famous inventor Leonardo da Vinci reportedly only needed 4 hours of sleep a day. Albert Einstein, on the other hand, spent up to 14 hours a day in his bed.
So how much sleep do we really need? 18 experts from the American National Sleep Foundation have now found the answer in a large-scale study – and have put together a few recommendations which should bring the greatest health benefits.
So much sleep is healthy
In contrast to previous studies, the researchers do not recommend a generally applicable minimum number of hours of sleep, but subdivide them according to age groups:
- A growing child needs more sleep than a fully developed adult – and the internal clock shifts with age.
- The experts also emphasize that there are differences within the groups: some people simply need more sleep than others.
The following graphic shows how much sleep is optimal for your age group:
Note: Be sure to read below which things – besides the length of sleep itself – also play a decisive role in a healthy life.
Not only too little sleep is unhealthy – too much
Everyone needs a minimum amount of sleep – if you don’t get enough of it, your health will suffer and you will feel powerless and weak throughout the day.
- Surprisingly, this also applies to anyone who spends too much time in bed. Then the circulation changes, there is a lack of exercise and physical health deteriorates.
- The experts therefore dispense with average values, but recommend a spectrum for healthy sleep for each age group that is based on personal needs.
The green area is ideal for most people – but many will also be able to cope with sleeping times in the yellow area. However, if you don’t fall into any of these areas, there could be serious health risks.
Note: The sleep researchers emphasize that the values they determined are only suitable for people with a normal sleep rhythm. For sleep problems & diseases, different standards apply. If in doubt, you should definitely consult a doctor.
How Much Sleep is Enough for You ?
The table above is a useful recommendation, but you cannot determine your personal sleep time with any study or guide on the Internet. It is best to watch your body closely – it usually gives enough clues in case it is lacking sleep.
To determine your individual sleep time, you can ask yourself the following questions:
- Do you sleep through regularly and without any problems?
- Do you have enough energy throughout the day or do you sometimes feel weak & exhausted?
- Do you often feel stressed and overwhelmed? Is it difficult to get out of bed in the morning?
- Do you rely on caffeine or other stimulants to get through the day?
General health problems can also indicate too little (or too much) sleep. Studies repeatedly link lack of sleep to obesity and diabetes. Other complaints can also occur if the body no longer regenerates sufficiently.
Infobox: Why do we sleep at all?
The exact purpose of sleep has still not been adequately researched, but we do know a few things: During sleep, our body gets new energy and our brain processes the information and thoughts of the previous day. If we save on sleep, then body and mind suffer equally.
It doesn’t just depend on the duration
The National Sleep Foundation researchers examined a total of 2,412 scientific articles to find out more about the optimal length of sleep. They sorted out unreliable studies & looked for solid clues in the rest.
However, in order to compare such a large number of different studies, the researchers had to make some tradeoffs:
- They examined the duration, but not the quality of sleep . Some people get by with less than the recommended sleep duration because they sleep better and deeper than the average.
- The experts also did not include other factors such as adequate sleep hygiene (consistent sleeping times, the right mattress or sleep rituals) in the assessment.
However, all of these things contribute to healthy sleep – in addition to the length of your sleep, you should therefore also pay attention to adequate sleep hygiene.
How to improve your sleep
On their website , the National Sleep Foundation provides a few more crucial tips to help you get the most out of your daily night’s sleep. The most important rule is:
Make Sleep a Priority – Make sleeping a priority!
It’s best to start paying attention to your sleeping habits today. Most of us forget about it in everyday life and we get used to bad routines and rituals before going to bed.
For example, if you chat with your smartphone before going to sleep, your thoughts and friends and acquaintances won’t let go of your sleep – the quality suffers and the deep sleep phases decrease.
Despite sufficient sleep time, the body cannot regenerate sufficiently and it lacks energy the next morning.
These measures ensure optimal sleep
So it’s best to prioritize sleeping and lay the foundation for a better sleep rhythm right now:
- Get in the habit of going to bed at the same time – this way the body can adjust to sleep and shut down body functions.
- Avoid stress & thoughts about work – this can wait until the next morning. Keeping a journal or meditation can help with relaxation.
- Start your own sleep ritual – in addition to relaxation exercises, this can also include a cup of tea before brushing your teeth.
- Banish electrical devices such as smartphones , tablets or the television from your bedroom. The glowing screens keep us awake for far too long.
- Choose the right mattress & a comfortable pillow . You spend a third of your life in bed, so you shouldn’t skimp on quality here. The room temperature is also important.
Do more than improve your sleep
In general, it can be said that a healthy lifestyle supports the quality of sleep. An improper diet can promote sleep disorders and reduce the quality:
- Avoid too much sugar (& other carbohydrates) before bed. It is harder for the body to rest & nighttime food cravings can occur.
- Be careful with alcohol, nicotine & caffeine – each of these substances can negatively affect sleep. It is best to do without it completely or reduce the amount.
- Exercise and make sure you get enough exercise – a balanced body (& mind) helps you fall asleep and ensures a deeper, more restful sleep.
- Pay attention to signals from the body – if you feel powerless despite getting enough sleep or suffer from tension, this may be an indication of restless sleep.
If you regularly feel exhausted in the late afternoon, this can also be an indication of insufficient or incorrect sleep. It is therefore worthwhile to take a particularly close look to improve your own quality of life.
Is it also easier to achieve healthy sleep?
Given this long list, you might be wondering which superhuman will find the time & strength to actually follow all of this advice .
Not taking uncomfortable thoughts to bed sounds logical, but that’s easier said than done. Probably each of us has struggled to fall asleep because of worries floating around in our heads for hours.
And you are right: in everyday life you will not be able to implement every suggestion from above. Fortunately, that’s not the goal at all:
Each of these pieces of advice is only intended as a guide.
If you want to improve your sleep, then the best thing to do is to pick one of these points and implement it tonight when you fall asleep. Going to bed regularly at the same time may be enough to give you more energy.
Prioritize your sleep – in small steps
From time to time, come back to the list from above and pick another item to gradually improve your sleep (to bookmark this page just press Ctrl + D ).
It takes a while to improve your own sleep – unfortunately no miracle pills or expensive products help here. Instead, take a little time every day and pay careful attention to your sleep.
In this way, you can see much more quickly in which areas you still have room for improvement. This knowledge will help you turn these weaknesses into strengths.
This page can help you with this endeavor
You will regularly find interesting articles on the subject of sleep on Sleepwithjoy.com – from tips for better sleep quality to interesting advice on sleep problems.
It’s best to just browse the different categories to learn more about how to live a healthier life with more restful sleep.
Tip: Our section sleep better contains numerous tips for all ages. Start making your life for the better today.
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I created Sleep Knowledge to share my interests and experiences on healthy sleeping with others. On this page I am therefore dealing with interesting questions about the optimal night’s sleep & everything else that goes with it.