Which sleep disorders occur during pregnancy? An overview of the most common complaints – and tips on how you can improve your night’s sleep quickly and easily.
For many women, pregnancy is an exciting time full of anticipation and anticipation.
Of course, there are also major physical and emotional changes during this time – sometimes the adjustment is not that easy to manage.
- This is often accompanied by additional problems such as poor sleep or even sleep disorders.
- Unfortunately, this also affects women who previously had no problems with the topic.
This article is intended to give you a first overview and shows you tips that can help with sleep problems during pregnancy.
Are sleep disorders part of being pregnant?
Almost 80% of women experience sleep problems during pregnancy.
- Women often feel extremely tired, especially in the first and last part of pregnancy .
- This is not least due to the great emotional and physical change.
Pre-existing sleep disorders can get worse during pregnancy.
- These include, for example, the restless legs syndrome or heartburn.
- In addition, it comes increasingly to insomnia, sleep maintenance problems , nocturnal awakening and snoring.
Note: In this article you will learn more about the health risks of too little sleep – as well as tips for avoiding sleep deprivation .
What causes sleep disorders during pregnancy?
Many women know the problem all too well and adjust to it before they become pregnant.
But what are the causes of these sleep problems?
- One of the main reasons for this is changes in hormone levels. For example, rising progesterone levels explain the enormous fatigue in the first trimester.
- These disorders combined with other problems, such as nausea, can contribute to a lack of sleep.
- But emotions and fears, which every mother-to-be has to deal with in one way or another, can also cause problems.
The thoughts revolve around the birth or the changing relationship with the partner.
But also the concern about the balance between family and work are in the foreground. Unfortunately, the sleep rhythm often does not improve once the child is born.
Tip: Read more about our sleep rhythm here: Overview of the sleep phases .
What sleep disorders can pregnant women experience?
Regardless of whether you have been suffering from sleep disorders for a long time or have only known them since pregnancy – this is a topic that every mother will most likely have to deal with sooner or later.
The problems with sleeping are not always the same. There are various hurdles to overcome during pregnancy.
First trimester
The physical and mental changes often make the first part of a pregnancy a very stressful chapter.
The topic of sleep is also not exactly pleasant for many at this time. The body struggles with changing hormones and the mind with processing the big news.
Later, an increased urge to urinate, night sweats and nausea cause problems.
Tip: If you suffer from sleep problems, take time out for one or more “power naps” during the day. 15 to 20 minutes are enough.
Second trimester
From the fourth month the more pleasant second trimester begins.
The body has got used to the new demands and many of the symptoms have already subsided.
Most pregnant women feel very comfortable during this time.
- It is best to get used to a sideways sleeping position now .
- This is especially useful for the last few days.
- Even the first sleep problems usually go away by themselves.
Do you feel full of energy and love for life? But don’t forget to take enough breaks!
Good to know: It is best to lie on your left side, as your baby is optimally supplied with oxygen.
Another tip: A side sleeper pillow is ideal for pregnancy. Here you will find the best models: Side sleeper pillows in comparison .
Third trimester
The last stage of pregnancy is often an issue in itself – sleep in particular becomes a major problem for many mothers!
- With the baby bump, it is not that easy to find a comfortable sleeping position.
- As mentioned earlier, many midwives recommend lying on your left side.
- A pillow that you place between your legs can also provide relief .
The urge to urinate causes great problems and now drives the mother out of bed a few times. In addition, the baby is already very active and noticeable by kicking and kicking.
Tip: A neck roll or an orthopedic neck pillow also has a relaxing effect – both can also be clamped between the legs or placed under the pelvis to relieve the strain.
Tips for sleep problems – what helps in pregnancy?
Treatment during pregnancy is often problematic because many drugs are harmful to the fetus.
But sleeping pills and pills in particular are not recommended for pregnant women: neither during pregnancy nor when breastfeeding.
- Sleeping can be a challenge, especially during pregnancy.
- It is therefore important to make sleep a priority and to plan well!
The following tips will help prevent sleep deprivation:
Don’t drink or eat too much in the evening!
If you have been used to having a hearty meal in the evening or drinking enough drinks, you should reconsider this behavior now:
Otherwise sleep has to be forcibly interrupted just to go to the toilet.
Tip: Have your last meal 3 to 4 hours before going to bed and switch to a lighter diet.
Avoid exercising too late!
Sport during pregnancy is healthy and can make many things more bearable! But the sports units should be well planned!
- At the end of the day, many tend to go for a quick jog or do another work-out just because they have a guilty conscience.
- This can interfere with a good night’s sleep. The circulation and metabolism need some time to shut down again and to calm down.
Tip : Postpone walks, gymnastics, autogenic training for better sleep and yoga to the morning or early afternoon!
A warm bath is good for body and soul!
An old home remedy for getting a good night’s sleep in general is a bath. The warmth calms and relaxes the whole body. This is mainly due to:
- Body temperature naturally rises in water.
- When you get out of the tub afterwards, the body’s temperature cools down again.
- This process is very similar to that of sleeping.
That’s why we feel sleepy immediately afterwards and look forward to bed. Herbs such as lavender or valerian as bath additives also help to lapse into a sleepy, cozy mood.
But be careful during pregnancy! Make sure you don’t lie in the tub for more than 10 minutes. The temperature should not be warmer than 38 degrees!
Work consciously on your sleeping position
The more months that go by, the more challenging sleeping becomes during pregnancy. Many find it difficult to sleep through, especially towards the end of the 9 months.
The best sleeping position in this position is on the side. Midwives particularly recommend sleeping on the left side, but those who sleep particularly well on the right can stay with it.
Tip: You can also support your body with one (or more) pillows so that the lying position is comfortable for you and your stomach.
Calming tea
A good women’s tea with the right ingredients helps with all kinds of ailments. These teas are also used for menstrual pain or hormone fluctuations.
- Recommended contents include lady’s mantle herb, hops or lemon balm.
- It’s best to have your tea mixed in the pharmacy or use my sleeping tea recommendations .
Then all you have to do is brew a cup of tea and drink it comfortably before going to bed.
Tip: It is best to read a book or listen to relaxing music (or combine both with a music pillow ). So the tea can develop its full effect.
Meditation or autogenic training
Often it is due to racing thoughts and worries that are difficult to avoid during pregnancy.
No wonder then that sleep is sometimes a long time coming.
Tip: If you notice that your thoughts are going in circles, you are shifting your thoughts from A to B and finally start all over again, this can indicate that your sleep disorders have psychological causes!
- In this case it helps to focus better again and to work on inner calm.
- Meditation or a related relaxation technique is very effective.
Whether you simply close your eyes and try to be more aware of the noises in your environment or count the breaths is usually secondary.
Many experts recommend autogenic training if you are very restless and worried .
keep Calm
Have you already tried everything and nothing really worked? Then there is only one thing left to do: keep calm!
- Because even if you just lie in bed and rest, your body and your brain will recover.
- Basically, you also have much better cards, so that you might eventually slip into the dream world.
However, if you do your rounds of the apartment in desperation and get annoyed all the time, you have no good chance.
In conclusion:
I hope this article on Sleep Disorders During Pregnancy has been helpful to you.
You are also welcome to browse the other sections and find out which measures you can take to improve your sleep:
- The bedroom category provides helpful tips on how to best furnish your bedroom .
- In the next section you will find more information on common sleep problems and sleep disorders .
- We explain current studies (understandable for everyone) in the category of sleep research .
- General tips & strategies for a healthy night’s sleep can be found here: Sleep better .
The guide to optimal sleep for babies is also recommended . There you will find out how you can promote your child’s sleep in the best possible way.
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I created Sleep Knowledge to share my interests and experiences on healthy sleeping with others. On this page I am therefore dealing with interesting questions about the optimal night’s sleep & everything else that goes with it.