The nocturnal breathing pauses caused by sleep apnea are not only dangerous, they have an impact on your whole life.
- And the worst thing is: Many people do not even notice that they are suffering from sleep apnea syndrome.
- Breathing pauses occur during the night and are usually difficult to see.
Only the symptoms ( daytime fatigue , sleep disorders and lack of energy) are evidence of the problems in bed.
Here you can find out what treatment options there are and what the Albauf of this therapy looks like.
Before I compare the different treatment options for sleep apnea syndrome, I would like to briefly describe what it is and how it affects your health.
What is sleep apnea?
One speaks of sleep apnea when there is suddenly a long, complete pause in breathing during sleep.
When breathing is completely stopped, the oxygen saturation in the blood decreases and the carbon dioxide concentration increases. As a result, those affected wake up.
Mostly, however, the patients are not in a fully awake state, but rather in a twilight state. As a result, they usually cannot remember the next morning.
Frequent awakening from sleep can not reach the restful deep sleep phase and the next day you are exhausted.
- Chronic daytime sleepiness and frequent microsleep are characteristic of this .
- If left untreated, there are other complications that make it difficult for the general state of health.
Types of sleep apnea syndrome
In medicine there are different forms of sleep apnea, the 2 most common are:
- Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAS)
- Central Sleep Apnea Syndrome (ZSAS)
If these terms don’t mean anything to you, don’t worry – I’ll explain both of them briefly in the following section:
Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAS)
This is the most common type of sleep apnea, accounting for around 84% of cases.
- Apnea is triggered by a blockage in the upper airways, such as the nose or throat.
- The blockage leads to a reduced air supply, which increases the CO2 content in the blood.
The increased concentration of carbon dioxide leads to the typical waking reaction of the patient. Trouble sleeping through the night is the result.
Causes of Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Genetic diseases that lead to slackening of the respiratory muscles can be a reason for OSAS.
- The most common cause, however, is an anatomical malformation, for example in the nose.
- A crooked nasal septum makes breathing extremely difficult and can also lead to snoring .
- However, a tongue that is too large (acromegaly) also prevents the air from flowing properly.
Obstructive sleep apnea can also be temporarily caused by tonsillitis.
Sleep apnea is a common occurrence in children, especially when the tonsils are enlarged.
Central Sleep Apnea Syndrome (ZSAS)
In this form of sleep apnea, the cause lies in the breathing center in the brain.
The respiratory rate gradually decreases – until breathing stops.
- The respiratory center is not completely destroyed, but only irritated or no longer functions properly.
- Breathing is usually an automated process that is taken over by the breathing center without us really noticing.
The miscommunication between the brain and the body is the reason for the apnea.
Causes of Central Sleep Apnea
The most common cause is chronic heart failure. About 50% of heart disease patients also suffer from sleep apnea.
- But also some medications and drugs (ecstasy, heroin, cocaine, …) temporarily lead to apnea.
- Brain tumors can press on the respiratory center and cause miscommunication between the body and the central nervous system.
Other more common causes include viral inflammation of the meninges and strokes.
The mixed sleep apnea
Sometimes sleep apnea has a mixture of obstructive causes and miscommunication between the brain and the body.
Tip: If you suspect sleep apnea, always see a doctor to have the cause diagnosed.
What are the symptoms of sleep apnea?
One of the most common symptoms of sleep apnea is heavy snoring .
This is followed by a longer respite (10-60 seconds) and ends with a deep sigh.
- However, not every snorer automatically has sleep apnea, and not everyone with a breathing disorder necessarily snores.
- Another characteristic of this disease is constant daytime sleepiness , which also includes poor concentration.
Microsleep also occurs as a result of exhaustion and constant fatigue .
Depression, headaches, and dizziness are also symptoms of sleep apnea.
Would you like to find out more about the symptoms of sleep apnea? Read our article Recognizing sleep apnea – the most common symptoms .
Which factors favor the occurrence of sleep apnea?
Of course, there are several risk factors that can trigger sleep apnea.
Above all, is overweight. Obesity is a huge risk factor for all sorts of diseases.
The heavy weight presses on the breathing tube without being awakened.
Especially in old age, a high body weight encourages snoring – and of course the risk of constrictions in the airways increases.
- But anatomical misalignments such as a crooked nasal septum can also lead to apnea.
- A tongue that is too large or enlarged (throat) tonsils are also risk factors.
Some genetic diseases also belong to the risk group, for example Marfan’s syndrome, acromegaly or trisomy 21.
Chronic alcohol or drug use also has a negative impact on health.
What are the consequences of untreated sleep apnea?
If left untreated, sleep apnea leads to a large number of secondary illnesses that can even be life-threatening.
- Not only does our body recuperate during sleep, but our brains too. In the deep sleep phase , our head processes what has happened during the day.
- If you suffer from sleep apnea, it is difficult to really immerse yourself in the deep sleep phase, which means that the brain does not really get recovery.
The result is a range of mental disorders. Those affected suffer from depression particularly frequently, but schizophrenia, mania and hallucinations can also occur.
High blood pressure can be triggered by physiological stress. This disease is particularly tricky because high blood pressure shows almost no symptoms and therefore remains undetected for a long time.
The disease is therefore also called silent death. High blood pressure in turn leads to cardiovascular diseases such as heart failure, thrombosis, strokes and others.
Type 2 diabetes mellitus can also be a result of sleep apnea.
Tip: With snoring Apps , you can monitor your sleep and better detect breathing stops.
But a visit to the doctor is also recommended:
How do I recognize sleep apnea?
Typically, your family doctor can refer you to a specialist based on the symptoms and previous history.
- An experienced ENT doctor or pulmonologist can then arrange a so-called sleep diagnostic screening.
- The breathing flow and breathing rate are measured. The oxygen saturation in the blood and the heart rate are also recorded.
In addition, the specialist analyzes the breath sounds, the sleeping position and the movement of the chest during sleep. This is usually done at the patient’s home, where you feel most comfortable.
A clear diagnosis can then be made on the basis of the data obtained.
If the results are abnormal, the patient may have to be referred to a sleep laboratory. Further, more specific tests will follow there.
Tip: You can also keep a diary at home and monitor your sleep – this will help the experts with the diagnosis.
How do I treat sleep apnea?
There are two treatment routes: the conservative and surgical method.
Typically, doctors usually start conservatively first.
The conservative treatment of sleep apnea
First of all, you should try to reduce all risk factors as much as possible. If you are overweight, normal weight (BMI <25) should be the goal.
- On alcohol , nicotine, and the consumption of drugs you should also completely abstain.
- With the help of special physiotherapy, an attempt is made to strengthen the breathing and chest muscles.
There are also other methods that are often curious: A positive effect of playing wind instruments regularly has already been reported several times.
Recent studies have also shown that playing double-reed instruments provides symptom relief.
Conservative therapy using a CPAP device
Another popular therapy option is the so-called CPAP, which stands for continuous positive airway pressure .
- This is a device with a blower, which is attached with the help of a mouth mask.
- During sleep, the CPAP creates a slight excess air pressure, which prevents apneas from occurring.
Another pleasant side effect: Loud snoring is also suppressed. That’s why snorers like to use the CPAP machine so as not to disturb their partners at night.
Tip: You can find the best anti-snoring products here . From cheap home remedies to professional help.
At the beginning you have to get used to wearing the mask, of course, but a significant relief of the symptoms can be noticed after a few days.
Users usually notice a significantly more restful sleep, more ability to concentrate and less fatigue due to lack of sleep .
Conservative therapy using the BIPAP device
Breathing against a negative pressure (like with the sleep mask from above) can sometimes be really exhausting.
- If the patient cannot tolerate this, the doctor usually switches to a so-called BIPAP device.
- BIPAP stands for biphasic positive airway pressure and is characterized by two different pressure levels.
Since these alternate, BIPAP devices are perceived as less strenuous.
But regardless of whether BIPAP or CPAP, the use of the machines is lifelong. Because the symptoms are only suppressed, but the cause is not cured.
In many cases this is enough to bring back enough quality of life.
The surgical therapy option for treating sleep apnea
Treatment with CPAP is considered to be the global gold standard for sleep apnea. Unfortunately, using the device is not an option for all patients.
- The doctor often chooses the surgical option to improve the use of the CPAP.
- However, obstructive sleep apnea caused by too large (throat) tonsils can be eliminated.
To do this, the tonsils must be completely removed (tonsilectomy). But it is more about combating symptoms than permanently eliminating the problem.
- Surgery can help with apneas caused by a jaw that is too large.
- In the so-called bimaxillary operation, a misalignment is compensated for or the jaw is made smaller.
However: After this procedure, the appearance of the face changes completely. A complete and comprehensive explanation is therefore essential.
Stimulation of the tongue nerve using electron therapy
Another possibility is electrical stimulation of the hypoglossal nerve (a nerve under the tongue).
This will change the position of the tongue and, in some cases, improve the symptoms of sleep apnea.
The tracheotomy
In very extreme, but only extremely rare cases, a so-called tracheostomy must be performed.
This is an incision in the windpipe that can be life-saving. Since the blockage affects the upper airways, it allows normal breathing.
Further therapy options for the treatment of sleep apnea
In addition to the 2 treatment methods above, there are others – they are often carried out in addition to increase the success of the therapy.
The mandibular protrusion splint
A specially made splint for the lower jaw can help with obstructive sleep apnea.
- The splint is designed in such a way that the pharynx remains mechanically dilated during sleep.
- In this way there is no reduction in air flow due to anatomical constrictions.
Studies have shown that the splint has been shown to be effective. Especially for patients who cannot tolerate either CPAP or BIPAP.
Nasopharyngealer Stent
Another alternative to the classic CPAP device is a special stent for the pharynx.
- The stent ensures that the throat does not narrow during inhalation and that air can flow unhindered.
- The nasopharyngeal stent is inserted into the nose by the patient himself in the evening and removed again in the morning.
The simple and compact application allows the stent to be taken with you when you travel.
Sometimes you also combine the CPAP with the stent for maximum success.
Alternative treatments for sleep apnea
There are now so many companies that advertise all sorts of anti-apnea things.
Whether nose clips, anti-snoring masks or warning devices. The list is endless.
So far, however, studies have not been able to confirm the effectiveness. While that doesn’t mean they are completely ineffective, some promises are dubious.
So enjoy such offers with caution.
Mediation course
Some institutions now offer professional meditation courses or autogenic sleep training for those affected.
Many patients have seen a positive effect on their health. But the same applies here: the cause remains, only the symptoms improve.
Tips for better sleep
In general, a healthy night’s sleep lowers your health risk. Regular sleep with long periods of deep sleep prevents numerous diseases.
A few simple habits and routines help improve your quality of life and the occurrence of sleep to prevent.
On this page you will find numerous articles to help you sleep more healthily. Monitor your sleeping habits and follow a few simple rules.
All you need is some time to find out more about yourself and your sleep.
- Here I collect various tips on the subject of healthy sleeping in numerous articles .
- You can read more about problems such as loud snoring during the night in the sleep disorders category .
- Here you can find the latest news from sleep research (with lots of practical tips).
- Last but not least, the right furnishing of your bedroom is also important for a good night’s sleep.
Start with the area that interests you most – all of them can help you sleep more relaxed.
I created Sleep Knowledge to share my interests and experiences on healthy sleeping with others. On this page I am therefore dealing with interesting questions about the optimal night’s sleep & everything else that goes with it.