Even if the bumpers make the bed more comfortable – many experts warn against it. How to assess the dangers & still ensure a cozy place to sleep.
Many parents want their baby’s sleeping place to look as cozy and cozy as possible.
- However, too much of a good thing can be harmful to the child.
- Read here what you should definitely pay attention to when choosing a nest.
There is hardly any other topic that experts and parents have as different opinions as when it comes to furnishing the baby bed.
In order to get to the bottom of the subject, I have dealt extensively with expert opinions as well as with the ideas of parents and summarized the most important findings on the subject of nests in cots for you.
The following article covers the following topics:
As a father I know how difficult it is to do everything right as a new parent, I can only recommend that you find out as much information as possible on the various topics.
I very much hope that this post is of some help to you.
What is a nest in a baby bed?
In principle, a cot nest is understood to mean all the pillows, fabrics and decorative items that parents use to make the cot softer, more cuddly and “more beautiful”.
Just like birds build a nest for their offspring, parents try to create the nicest possible sleeping place for their baby.
- Unfortunately, when designing the nest for the baby bed, far too little attention is paid to the baby’s actual needs.
- Mothers in particular tend to transform their newborns’ beds into temples of cosiness.
Fact: The wishes of the parents often determine the furnishing of the baby bed much more than the needs of the child determined by experts.
A “simple” baby bed without pillows and cuddly toys is still rated by many parents as “cold and impersonal”.
What do experts say about nests in cots?
Sleep experts base their recommendations for the equipment of a baby bed on the actual requirements of the baby.
Experts generally flatly reject anything that counts as unnecessary decoration.
According to experts, the main conditions that a baby bed should meet are:
- Safety: the bed should be designed so that the baby cannot fall out of the bed
- Comfort: The mattress of the baby bed should be suitable for the weight and size of the baby
- Impact protection: So that the baby does not bump itself when moving while sleeping, the bed should not have hard edges
- Swallowing protection: All small objects that your baby might swallow should be banished from the cot. This specifically includes buttons.
However, many parents classify this sober interior as “uncomfortable” and “not suitable for children”.
Many parents ignore this advice
Most parents try to set up the bed for their baby to look like a four-poster bed for children.
- Colors suitable for children, lots of pillows and even more stuffed animals are the most common decorative elements .
- The cozier and cozier a cot looks, the happier the parents are usually.
Only when the bed is a nest of security are parents convinced that their baby is in good hands there.
However: in a cot, less is usually significantly more.
The right equipment for a baby bed: use instead of feelings
When decorating and equipping your cot, always remember what is actually useful.
Even if you consistently apply this principle, you still have many options for decorating the baby bed so that it looks cozy.
- Safety instead of decoration : remove all unnecessary decorative items such as pillows or stuffed animals
- Air circulation : Remove bed surrounds when it is warm, use them if there is a draft in the room.
- Fixation : If you attach a canopy or other freely hanging objects over the cot, make sure that they are firmly fixed and cannot fall on the baby under any circumstances.
- Quality : Invest in high-quality products (foams) that fulfill their protective function over a long period of time.
If you follow these few tips, you can be sure that your baby is sleeping well . And when your baby is awake and not in bed, you can decorate the cot to your heart’s content again.
In summary: Typical dangers of baby crib nests
Too many objects in the cot pose risks. Here is an overview of typical dangers:
Oxygen deficiency : Due to the lack of air circulation, the baby does not get enough oxygen in the cot. This can lead to pauses in breathing.
Heat build-up: If the air does not circulate freely , heat build-up can occur in the cot. This is particularly important in the summer months.
Drafts : If a baby is constantly in a draft, it can catch cold quickly.
If you take a quiet look at the environment in which the cot is located and consider the risks mentioned, a cot nest does not have to be dangerous.
What you should consider when choosing a nest for the baby bed
The following components are very often found in the construction of a baby bed nest:
- Bed border (head and side protection)
- Baby bed canopy
- pillow
- edge protection
- stuffed animals
In the following chapters I would like to go into a more specific way of looking at the functions that the individual elements of a cot nest fulfill and how useful they actually are.
The bed frame in the baby bed bumper
A bed surround usually consists of a layer of foam wrapped in fabric.
This tread protects the baby from hurting at the head end or the sides of the cot.
In addition, a bed frame can protect the baby from drafts (this is particularly recommended for baby travel cots ).
Tip: When buying a bed frame, make sure that it is made of a high-quality material.
If the foam is too soft, it does not offer any protection and can collapse. If the bed surrounds are good, the fabric cover is removable and washable.
The sky in the baby bed nest
Many parents love to put a canopy over the cot. This is supposed to “protect” the baby in the truest sense of the word when it is in bed.
Skies with motifs should also animate and stimulate the baby. In addition, a cot canopy is a nice decoration.
- Note: A canopy as an addition to the baby bed nest has few advantages for the baby itself.
- Since the baby bed is primarily intended to be used for sleeping, stimulation is not necessary here.
And you can avoid the risk of a baby cot falling down and covering the baby and taking his breath away from the start.
Reading tip: Here you will find an overview of recommended heaven for the baby bed .
Pillows in the baby bed
You should not use pillows at all in the cot until you are twelve to fifteen months old.
And if you are using pillows for decoration, remove them before putting your baby to sleep.
Reading tip: The best baby pillows in the test .
Edge protection for the baby bed bumper
There are special edge rubbers that ensure that no hard edges and corners in the cot can harm the baby.
However, these only make sense if your baby is able to stand up independently and move freely in the cot.
Tip: When buying a cot, make sure that it has no hard corners and edges.
Soft toys in your baby’s bed
All experts agree that soft toys have no place in a baby’s bed – at least at bedtime.
Nevertheless, there is hardly a baby bed in the world that does not contain at least one stuffed animal.
Tip: Remove all soft toys from the cot before putting your baby to sleep.
Baby cot nests that are recommended
Since I know that a lot of parents buy a nest for their baby bed despite the many discussions, I have put together a few products here that are definitely recommended.
In addition, I offer you an overview of the different designs of baby bed nests that are available in stores.
The nests listed here are of course only recommendations to save time in the search. If you consider the dangers listed in the text, you can of course also use many other products without any problems.
Lulando Babynest
Lulando’s baby nest provides the perfect environment for babies up to six months.
- You can put it directly in the cot and let it shrink to a size that your baby does not get lost in it.
- With a soft bedding all around, this nest can also be used when your baby sleeps in bed with you.
With 100% cotton on the outside and anti-allergic polyester fibers on the inside, the Lulando baby nest offers both stability and versatility.
Here you will find more information and the possibility to order the Lulando baby nest * online.
Amilian Bettumrandung
This classic bed frame made of silicone polyester with a cotton cover offers stability and a natural surface. You can order different lengths to match the size of your cot.
Tip: Make sure you knot the fastening cords tightly and place them so that the baby cannot reach them.
babybay nest snake
This nest snake (or bed sausage) is extremely versatile. It serves as protection from the hard walls of the baby bed.
But you can also use them as a positioning aid. Thanks to its versatility, the product can still be used when your baby is older.
The inner material consists of polyester, the surface of a cotton-polyester mix. The product has also been tested for harmful substances.
Here you can find more information and the possibility to order the babybay nest snake * online.
Baby heaven bumper set
If you want a heaven for a baby bed nest, you will find a suitable set here.
The rod with which the canopy is attached over the cot is included. Make sure to fix it as firmly as possible.
The bed frame is made of materials that have been tested for harmful substances (Oeko-Tex Standard) and is conveniently washable.
Here you will find more information and the possibility to order the aawp link = “B01MRXQBPG“ title = “Baby Heaven Nest Set“ /] online.
Conclusion: nest in the cot – yes or no?
When my daughter was born, I quickly made a decision: just don’t let it drive you crazy.
Since then, I’ve been using common sense and doing a little bit of thought and research before buying a baby or child product.
This is exactly what I would recommend to you when buying a baby bed nest (with or without a canopy).
- Take expert opinions seriously. At the end of the day, however, nobody knows your baby and his sleeping place as well as you do.
- This is why you can best estimate how often it moves, how sensitive it is to heat and what atmosphere prevails in the bedroom.
Many baby crib nests are both beautiful and practical, and they are also harmless.
If you use them with a bit of common sense and think about all avoidable risks, I don’t think there is anything against buying a nice looking crib bed.
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I created Sleep Knowledge to share my interests and experiences on healthy sleeping with others. On this page I am therefore dealing with interesting questions about the optimal night’s sleep & everything else that goes with it.