How to spot mite bites in humans (with pictures), how treatment works, and useful home remedies to relieve symptoms such as itching.
Reddened skin, itching, and the need to keep scratching the skin. These symptoms can be triggered by mite bites.
In this post you will learn:
- How dangerous mite bites really are.
- How to correctly recognize mite bites on the skin.
- When to see a doctor.
- What home remedies provide quick relief.
But first, an all-clear: mite bites are only really dangerous in rare cases. Most mites bite and then fall off the skin. The bites itch or redden, but usually heal on their own.
It is alarming when the mites nest their larvae eggs in the skin. This creates small pits on the skin, is highly contagious, and is known as scabies. The bites of the itch mites trigger this disease.
If you suspect that you or your child may have scabies then you should see a doctor. How the scabies manifests itself exactly and what you can do about it, you will find out below in the text.
First you should know how to spot mite bites, later you will learn more about the symptoms and treatment options.
What exactly are mites?
Mites are parasites and closely related to spiders. In the worst case, they nestle in your skin or that of your child. You should note that not all mites are created equal.
There are different types of mites and some can cause illness or allergies in humans. A distinction must be made between:
- Mites that can bite and suck blood.
- Mites that cause allergic reactions.
You have probably heard from someone before that they have a dust mite allergy. The mites do not have to be directly on the skin. It is enough if you have the mites in the apartment.
Other mites, on the other hand, bite and burrow under the skin, depending on the species. Not only does this sound disgusting, but it is also extremely itchy. Under certain circumstances, this can even cause scabies.
You can also recognize these mites themselves – they look like small dots that are red, white or black. They move on the skin.
Most mites rarely affect humans. They tend to live on pets, birds, but also on some plant species and foods. Mites in food also do not cause bites, but can cause allergic reactions.
Info: Strictly speaking, ticks are also mites. These are larger, cling to the skin, and suck blood. Ticks can transmit dangerous diseases, so they should be removed quickly. A tick vaccination is also recommended.
How do I recognize mite bites or mite bites?
If your skin reacts to contact with mites, it is always a bite. This is because mites cannot sting.
Mite bites look similar to insect bites. The skin will become red and itchy, and may cause swelling and a rash.
If you can rule out conventional reasons, such as gel stings or bee stings, then it is probably mites.
Mites falling off the skin
Regular mite bites leave behind a reddening caused by the bite. You can see a small red dot on the skin, roughly comparable to a gelsen sting.
The mites fall off after the bite and do not stay on the skin.
Mites that remain under the skin
The so-called grave mites – this also includes the itch mites – remain on the skin. They eat their way into the top layer of skin, creating passages in which they lay eggs.
If you suspect that the symptoms are more than a simple mite bite, you can examine the affected skin with a magnifying glass. The “passages” of the grave mites can be seen very well under the magnifying glass.
The disease has no worse consequences, but the itching is usually enormous. The areas of skin behind the ears, between the fingers, armpits and the genital area are particularly affected.
Many mite bites are also found on the edges of clothing – for example on the waistband or sleeves.
Symptoms: how do mite bites show up in humans?
You can usually recognize mite bites by the appearance of itching or swelling. After a bite from certain types of mites, your affected skin may flake off easily.
The itching is usually delayed after the bite and can last up to 14 days.
- If you discover a mite bite in yourself or your children, it should first be examined with a magnifying glass.
- Check for grave mites by seeing if you can spot small passages in the skin.
Scabies manifests itself mainly as very severe itching. However, this does not occur until about 5 weeks after the mite bite. The mite has laid its eggs under the skin. When the larvae hatch and move under the skin, it causes intense itching.
When it comes to itch mites, you should react quickly to catch the symptoms – such as the severe itching – and get rid of the mites.
What are the risks?
In normal cases, mite bites are not a concern. The itching can be uncomfortable, but it usually heals on its own.
Another risk arises if you scratch too hard on the mite bite. Of course, scratching the itchy area is very tempting, but this can cause inflammation on the skin. These then heal much more slowly.
Risks to Children
Children can come into contact with mites while playing in the grass or forest. The risk is particularly higher in the period from July to October.
- If you have been outdoors with your child, it is recommended that the child shower and change their clothes at home.
- In your own garden, it is best to keep the grass short and do not leave mown pieces of grass on the meadow for long.
It is particularly important to avoid children developing scabies, as it becomes difficult to care for a sick child without physical contact. So there is an increased risk of infection for you as parents or other family members.
Risks for allergy sufferers
The best known allergy caused by mites is house dust allergy. However, this is not triggered by a mite bite, but by the mite’s droppings.
House dust mites cannot bite at all. They leave their feces in your apartment. When dust is raised, the feces enter the human respiratory tract via the air. In the case of an allergy, allergy symptoms then arise.
Allergic reactions to mite bites are rare, because the bites usually do not trigger allergies.
Causes of mite bites & what to do
In fact, mites do not reproduce due to poor hygiene – this is a common misconception. House dust mites in particular can be found in every household.
- The bed in particular is a source of mites. You can protect it with washable covers that you change regularly.
- The mattress should also have a special cover or topper that you can wash regularly.
Blankets and pillows are usually not a problem, but mattresses are very difficult to wash, which makes them a good home for the mites.
Itch mites
Itch mites are passed on from person to person if there is prolonged physical contact. Brief contact does not pose a threat as the mites are not fast enough.
If a family member has scabies, avoid physical contact as much as possible. You should also wear clothes with long sleeves.
Treatment with medication is usually necessary. You should change blankets and pillows daily during treatment and wash them in hot water.
In the event of a mite bite to the doctor?
If itching, redness, or swelling persists, you should definitely see a doctor to clarify the symptoms.
If you suspect scabies, you should see your doctor immediately.
In an emergency, the doctor can also prescribe ointments or other medication for conventional mite bites.
Treat mite bites with home remedies
As you know by now, the main reason you will notice mite bites is because they are so itchy. Treatment with home remedies is primarily intended to relieve itching.
First, you should disinfect the mite bite. Wound spray or alcohol is suitable for this (be careful with children). After that, it’s all about relieving the itchiness. This works very well with cooling, for example.
You can support the following home remedies:
- Neem oil, because its smell drives away the mites.
- Coconut oil soothes the itchiness, but the mites persist and you can bite again.
- Tea tree oil works similarly to coconut oil. It also relieves itching, but it does not drive away or kill the mites.
There are also special detergent additives against mites. You can use these to remove dust mites from clothing, pillows , blankets, rugs and other fabric items.
Over-the-counter products to help with mite bites
If the itching isn’t severe and you prefer home remedies and over-the-counter treatments, then these three solutions may suit you.
Sorion Creme
A suitable ointment is “Sorion Creme”. This ointment contains, among other things, neem and coconut oil, which mainly relieve itching.
The cream has been clinically tested and is safe for children from 3 years of age and during pregnancy.
Manuka Natural
“Manuka Natural” is suitable for treating scabies. The product is available as a soap, cream or oil. In addition to tea tree oil, it also contains beneficial manuka oil.
Manuka is also called “nature’s antibiotic” and works very quickly on skin problems.
Detergent Avantal Con-Ex concentrate
If you are looking for a suitable detergent additive, I can recommend “Avantal Con-Ex Concentrate”.
It is a highly effective additive that eliminates all types of mites and does not leave any odor in the laundry.
The concentrate is plant-based and therefore also suitable for children.
How can I prevent mites?
If the mite bites don’t heal on their own, or if they keep recurring, you should definitely see a doctor.
You can prevent mites by, for example, using a mite vacuum cleaner to remove furniture. Wash duvet covers, pillows, and blankets regularly.
It is mainly itch mites that live in places like the bed and sofa. Frequent washing and improved hygiene prevent the mites from spreading as much.
Air purifiers that remove the mite excrement from the air are suitable for allergy sufferers. You can also use UV cleaners or UV lamps, because mites are particularly sensitive to UV light.
So-called “encasings” are particularly suitable to protect your mattress. Encasings are covers that you simply put on the mattress. You can take these off and wash them regularly.
Mites can cause a variety of symptoms in humans. There are types of mites that bite and mites that cause allergies.
- Mite bites are usually harmless, but should be treated to relieve itching.
- The scabies caused by mites are particularly unpleasant. In such a case you should consult a doctor.
To prevent mite bites from occurring in the first place, you should definitely prevent the mites that live in textile furniture.
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