Loosen fascia – it’s quick & easy

With these measures you can easily relieve tension and prevent permanent pain caused by sticky fascia.

Fascia are the skins of connective tissue that envelops the muscles of the entire human body.

They play a fundamental role in terms of protection, mobility and the supply of nutrients.

Numerous causes, such as sitting too long, high levels of stress or an unhealthy diet, can cause these skins to stick together over time and thus affect your health.

That is why it is essential for a healthy lifestyle to loosen sticky fasciae and thus counteract the aforementioned restrictions.

In order to help you, I have summarized the best methods with which you can loosen and strengthen your fascia tissue yourself.

Releasing fascia – exercises for at home

Physical activity, as long as it is performed correctly, has a positive effect on the condition of your fascia.

Sure, after all, physical activity directly reduces the time you spend sitting and at the same time improves your general health.

  • Exercises from areas such as yoga and Pilates, which place an increased focus on mobility and elasticity, have emerged as particularly effective for loosening fascia.
  • Yoga and Pilates also promote the body’s own stability and also use breathing and relaxation techniques.
  • Breathing and relaxation techniques help reduce stress and thus combat another possible cause of sticky fasciae.


Therefore it is hardly surprising that the mother of all relaxation techniques, meditation, is a popular method to help loosen fascia (a well-known teacher with a book is, for example, the meditation master Culadasa ).

Loosen fascia with a fascia roller

The possibilities presented so far to loosen your fascia yourself are definitely helpful and recommendable.


However, they only take up the problem indirectly. If you’re looking for a way to tackle your sticky fascia directly, we recommend using a fascia roller .

Targeted fascia training

Training with a fascia roller has a good handful of advantages.

On the one hand, you can train and strengthen the fasciae directly. On the other hand, the scooter can be used specifically on severely affected areas.

For example, you can loosen the fasciae that have stuck together on your stomach and cause you particular problems.

  • The use of the scooter is basically quite simple. In some cases, this differs from body region to body region, but mostly it is structured similarly.
  • You have to lie down with the affected area on the fascia roller, apply pressure and slowly roll it up and down, which releases the tension.
  • In most cases, the scooters are accompanied by an exercise manual – alternatively, you can find courses on the Internet, on DVD or now in more and more fitness studios.

The self-massage not only helps you to solve problems that have arisen due to sticky fasciae.

Rather, you are also granted the benefits that well-trained fasciae bring with them. These include better blood circulation and more elastic connective tissue.


Combine this with the fact that said self-massage takes little time and can be flexibly integrated into existing training programs, and with the fascia roller you get a real miracle weapon in the fight against stuck fascia tissue.

  • But you should know that getting started with a scooter is not easy for most.
  • It is really easy to use, but releasing extreme tension is anything but pleasant.
  • However, this hurdle is quickly overcome and your increased well-being is definitely worth the effort.

In addition, you can already provide a lot of relief in this regard by choosing the right fascia roller.

Find the right fascia roller

Choosing the right fascia roller for you is not a difficult undertaking in itself. There are only two decisive features: the degree of hardness and the shape of the respective scooter.

The right degree of hardness

Fascia rollers come in different degrees of hardness.


These range from soft to hard. The hardness ultimately determines how much your fasciae are stressed by the self-massage.

  • Since the loosening of fascia is a process that you have to get used to, I recommend that you use a softer variant at the beginning. This keeps shoulder pain within limits when releasing tension and the process is more pleasant for you.
  • Anyone who has already gained experience in dealing with fascia rollers or who thinks they are fit enough can also use harder rollers. The results achieved with it are of course even better.

Shapes of the scooter

The cylindrical standard fascia roller is now available with different surfaces.


  • The original, smooth version has been joined by designs with knobs, elevations and grooves, which are also intended to promote blood circulation.
  • This naturally creates a different feeling during use, but the surface finish is not of great importance for the end result.

There are also scooters in a completely different shape, such as a ball.

These special models are primarily used to loosen fascia in separate areas and can be a useful addition to your self-massage repertoire – but we clearly recommend the standard version for newbies.

Solve fascia with an alkaline diet

As already mentioned in the introduction, an unhealthy diet can also play a role in the sticking together of the fascia.


But don’t worry, it doesn’t take any major changes to make the diet healthier for the condition of your fascia tissue.

  • In principle, your goal should be to increase the alkaline content of your diet. This supports the body in its ability to regenerate.
  • An alkaline diet is actually quite simple. Almost all types of fruit and vegetables are alkaline foods. This also applies to mushrooms.

Basically, all you need to do is use foods that have been tried and tested as healthy a little more often and reduce the consumption of extremely acidic foods, such as sweets and alcohol.

Release the fasciae while sleeping

Okay, that might sound a little easier than it actually is.

So far we have not even addressed the subject of “sleep” – but yes, a poor sleep rhythm also has a negative effect on the quality of your fasciae.

No wonder, after all, we spend on average almost a third of our lives in this state.

  • So how can sleep help you loosen your fascia? Well, you need to improve the quality of your sleep .
  • Fortunately, there are a huge number of options for this – e.g. the right pillow , mattress topper or light alarm clock .

Others don’t even cost a dime and still produce remarkable results:

At this point I only want to list a fraction of the aforementioned possibilities – just give it a try and you will see how much your sleep will benefit from it.

  • Getting enough exercise during the day will help reduce the stress hormones in the body and help you fall asleep better at night
  • Avoid blue light of screens one hour before going to bed Tip: A blue light filter glasses can help.
  • A structured evening routine helps psychologically to fall asleep better.
  • Avoid high amount of alcohol and caffeine
  • Eat foods containing melatonin such as almonds and pistachios during the last meal of the day .

Conclusion: loosening fascia is not difficult

The body acts as a whole. This also reflects the selection of strategies that we have presented to you at this point for loosening fascia.


  • Whether yoga, meditation, a healthy diet or better sleep – all of these points can improve your health and quality of life and have a direct and indirect positive effect on the quality of your fascia tissue.
  • This also works the other way around: If you decide to use a fascia roller , you can combat the problem directly and thereby noticeably improve various aspects of your physical condition.

What all of the above procedures have in common is the manageable effort that is necessary in each case to achieve respectable results.

Therefore, you should definitely approach the task of loosening your stuck fascia yourself with optimism – after all, a healthy psyche also has a positive effect on your body.

And ensures better sleep .

I created Sleep Knowledge to share my interests and experiences on healthy sleeping with others. On this page I am therefore dealing with interesting questions about the optimal night’s sleep & everything else that goes with it.

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