Feng Shui for the bedroom: expert advice for restful sleep

Everything you need to know about the 5 elements, the right color, the optimal position of the bed and many other tips for perfect furnishings.

Maybe you feel the same way. The term ‘Feng Shui’ made me big eyes and even bigger question marks.

  • Is it an exotic dish with a sweet and sour sauce?
  • Another one of those new modern Asian relaxation techniques?
  • Or even a breakneck martial art from the Far East?

Before I dealt with this topic of Feng Shui a few years ago, my talent in interior design, equipment and decoration was very limited.

Colors did not harmonize with each other, too many decorative objects hung on the walls and furniture made of glass and metal made for a rather cool and poorly coordinated living area.

As a man, I have always assigned “all of this decorative stuff” to women and have never been seriously interested in them myself.

Sleeping, showering, cooking, eating were my main uses of the apartment.

I much preferred to spend the rest of the time outside with sports and friends. My premises were superficially in a good and well-kept condition. But I didn’t really feel comfortable or really enjoy spending time in my own four walls.

The bedroom was actually the area in which I had spent the least time.

  • Into the bedroom – sleep – out of the bedroom. But then I heard about Feng Shui for the first time.
  • I quickly realized that it was more than just a breakneck relaxation technique with sweet and sour sauce from the Far East.

Feng Shui has helped me personally to create a certain balance in my own four walls.

In my living room and especially in the bedroom, Feng Shui has triggered an obvious balance that has positively transferred to my mind.

In the last few months in particular, the ancient Chinese concept of Feng Shui seems to have flared up again in German-speaking countries. Reason enough for me to share my testimonials and tips with you.

In this article I would like to introduce you to the concept of Feng Shui for your bedroom and how Feng Shui can improve not only your sleep but also your inner energies.

Before I give you specific tips for furnishing your bedroom, I would like to start with a general overview of Feng Shui (which you can skip if you are already familiar with the topic):

What is Feng Shui?

Feng Shui is not a decorative trend, but a traditional Chinese theory of harmony from Daoism about people and their surroundings.

Specifically, in this article I would like to look at the living space design of your bedroom.

Translated, the term means “wind and water”.

It is not so easy to find a uniform definition. Feng Shui is not a strict and definable scientific teaching that can be precisely quantified. It is over 3,000 years old and has often been interpreted, developed, corrected, etc. since then.

The principle of Feng Shui can perhaps be simplified and summarized as follows:

“Wherever people stay and spend their time, that is where they should feel good”

On the one hand, this slightly philosophical recommendation of Feng Shui exceeds the individual understanding of the individual. So many people (like me) initially think: “Of course I want to feel comfortable where I spend a lot of time. What a question”.

However, Feng Shui is much bigger and there is much more content behind this dashing term that I would like to convey to you.

Why use Feng Shui at home?

Now, however, most of us spend most of our time in our own four walls – especially during the cold season, I (and probably you too) don’t like to go outside, but rather stay in the warm.

  • In contrast to many other cultures around the world, Central Europeans attach particular importance to their own four walls.
  • This is based on the one hand on climatic conditions, but also has many cultural, sociological and traditional reasons.

For many people in German-speaking countries, in my opinion, the following quote in English from the early 17th century fits best:

„My home is my castle“


Your own four walls are a castle. That’s why I love to spend my time where I can live like a king or a queen.

So does this traditional Chinese teaching suit you at all? Is Feng Shui even worthwhile for your own four walls and the bedroom?

This article “only” covers the bedroom. Feng Shui is a very exciting and information-rich topic. It goes beyond many areas and when lived it can have a huge impact on your daily life.

You can find a little reading for beginners here:

This book goes beyond the bedroom area and aims to look at your entire living area.

This is what Feng Shui does in the bedroom

According to statistics, humans sleep a third of their lives. Of course there are always deviations or special cases.

But these 8 hours are also recommended to you by medical professionals.

  • But you certainly spend more time per day than these 8 hours in the bedroom.
  • For this reason, it is worth investing a lot of attention and budget in this room.

At the center of Feng Shui is the teaching of the five elements:

  • earth
  • metal
  • water
  • Wood,
  • Fire

If you analyze your own living space and optimally balance these elementary energies according to the teachings of Feng Shui, you will improve the quality of your life and sleep.

So Feng Shui helps you to design and furnish the bedroom harmoniously.

You may now believe that certain tastes and preferences are individual and cannot be standardized with a collective teaching.

Basically you are right about that. However, in the teaching of Feng Shui, the human body reacts in the same way to certain superordinate things and patterns.

Which of these things are, among others:

  • Shapes, objects, symbols
  • Size of the room
  • Colours
  • Materials or properties
  • Positions and arrangement of furniture
  • light
  • Decorative tools

Ultimately, however, everything flows around one point: the energy. The above elements affect your human (sub) consciousness and your sleep.

To give you a relatively simple counterexample to Feng Shui or a question:


Do you feel comfortable in a narrow bedroom with little daylight, a sparsely furnished metal bed, hardly any decorative basic elements and squeaky color elements?

Can you find a good night’s sleep in such a room?

Personally, I would neither feel comfortable in such a room nor find restful sleep.

What Feng Shui can and cannot change in your bedroom

In order to refute the arguments of possible doubters a little, I would like to repeat that Feng Shui is not an exact science. So there is no ultimate formula for success according to which you can perfectly arrange and harmonize a room.

On the other hand, Feng Shui is not an esoteric pseudoscience or works like a placebo effect, in which superstition moves mountains.

Feng Shui is a teaching that you may or may not follow. Ultimately, that is your personal decision.

I don’t even expect after reading this article that you will immediately turn everything in your bedroom upside down and give it a new coat of paint.

I am always a little proud of a certain positive response and inspiration from my contributions.

But that goes a little too far.

Feng Shui will not be able to change your personal level of harmony if you close yourself to this teaching and behave negatively towards it.

Because only those who are open to changes AND improvements can benefit from Feng Shui in the bedroom in the long term.

Now it is important to say that there is no golden rule for your personal harmony level – similar to autogenic training for better sleep , you have to take some time to get used to it.

The structural limitations of your bedroom with too few square meters may also speak against the use of Feng Shui.

Nevertheless, you can create a harmonious bedroom with Feng Shui. Even if the room is too small for a big change, even small details can have a big impact on your comfort factor and sleep rhythm .

How to set up a harmonious Feng Shui bedroom

Before you lapse into Feng Shui activism, it is important to analyze your bedroom:

  • Am I in favor of such a change already?
  • Is my bedroom big enough?
  • Can I move or rearrange pieces of furniture at all?

It doesn’t take a lot of time or money to furnish your bedroom according to the teachings of Feng Shui. Just the right motivation and inspiration.


What is the basis of Feng Shui for your bedroom?

The teaching of Feng Shui is very much about energetic elements. If you apply these lessons correctly in the bedroom, the effects will be felt. The position and quantity of the individual elements vary greatly.

However, a fundamental factor for Feng Shui in the bedroom is: less is more. Fewer pieces of furniture and decorative elements make your bedroom appear more spacious.

So when you part with all the unnecessary items in your bedroom, you not only have more space. You also feel a little more liberated and reduced to the essentials.

Conversely, every item should have a permanent place in your bedroom. So use cupboards, shelves and other storage options.

Items of clothing lying around on the floor, photos or books create a certain mess. These negative sensations can trigger inner tension.

According to Feng Shui, your bedroom should symbolize a place of calm. The Chinese doctrine refrains from any active energies in your normal daily rhythm in the sleeping area.

Desks, stored tools, sports equipment, etc. divert both energy and attention in the wrong direction.

Note: Of course, compromises are necessary due to our modern way of life. If you are dependent on ear plugs to sleep because of constant city noise, for example , you should keep them without a guilty conscience.

In Feng Shui, the determination of energy is carried out with the aid of the bagua. In this way, energy flows in the room and garden can be analyzed; you can also use it for a bedroom.

Overall, the Bagua consists of eight trigrams, as the name (Ba = eight, Gua – trigram) suggests.


Bagua represents the eight fields for energy fields or eight parts of life. The center of these energy fields represents you because you are in the energetic center of your own life.

All areas should be balanced in harmony to find the perfect center. Of course, this is easier said than done in theory and difficult to implement in practice.

To illustrate a counterexample: If some fields receive more attention, other fields weaken and become disharmonious.

If you focus on your career, your family will suffer. If you put the energetic focus on the partnership, other areas will be affected.

You can also apply the knowledge of the bagua from Feng Shui to your own bedroom. Where is the focus in your bedroom? What is underrepresented? Which energy is receiving too much attention?

How colors affect your sleep

Not just in the bedroom, but everywhere, colors have an impact on people. In this way you can have a signal effect, motivate, calm down or even express feelings.

Note that the Chinese theory of colors differs fundamentally from the Central European region.

At first glance, the meaning and use of the individual colors in traditional Chinese Feng Shui may seem a bit strange for Western culture.

For example, white is considered the color of sorrow in China, but the color of purity in the western world.

I cannot prove whether this is the cultural background, which is why bedrooms in Europe are predominantly painted white. However, the color white is of course completely contrary to our European customs.

According to Feng Shui, you should avoid using the color white for your bedroom. You can read in the following book which colors and shades can still affect your consciousness and harmony in your bedroom according to Feng Shui:

Bright, squeaky and dominant colors do not have a relaxing effect. Use rather subtle and light colors.

With these colors, your bedroom shines with a fresh look and does not look so oppressive. Pastel colors or warm and pleasant autumn colors will calm and inspire you.

What is the meaning of other colors according to Feng Shui:

  • Red: activity, dynamism, temperament, strong-willed
  • Rosa: optimism, joy, positive
  • Yellow: joy, happiness, affirmation of life, exuberance
  • Blue: harmony, contentment, calm, infinity
  • Green: creativity, growth, health, childhood
  • Brown: serenity, grounding, warmth, security
  • Purple: supernatural powers, intuition and femininity
  • Black: Shyness, silence, unfathomability, dignity

In addition, metallic color elements such as silver, gold, bronze, etc. look strange. However, this is a point that I will address later.

So follow the Chinese Feng Shui color theory, but be true to yourself:

Just because an optimistic characteristic is ascribed to the color pink, you don’t have to paint or change your bedroom in this color. I wouldn’t do that either.

You yourself know best which color suits you, the furniture and the decoration best. Always stay yourself!

The importance of light for your feng shui in the bedroom

Light is not only of great importance in Chinese Feng Shui teaching. Every organism orients itself towards light. Or on its exact counterpart, the shadow.


Nowhere is this relationship as clear as through Yin and Yan, black and white, light and shadow. You should use both extreme poles for yourself in your bedroom as well.

A window should let in enough daylight to create visual contact with the outside world.

At night, however, the bedroom should be completely darkened with a tepid Feng Shui to suppress street lights, vehicle headlights and early sunrises.

Depending on the light and noise level, noise protection curtains could be useful.

Both approaches in this partial Feng Shui theory can be scientifically substantiated this time.

In rooms without (much) daylight we feel locked in and the walls have an oppressive effect on us. However, if it is too light (or not dark enough) at night, less melatonin is released and disturbs human sleep.

If you want to simulate natural light in the bedroom, it is best to use round lamps made of fabric or paper.

  • So-called daylight alarm clocks can also provide a necessary boost of energy during the winter months.
  • The more dimmed a light source is, the more atmospheric and harmonious the effect on people according to Feng Shui.

Different light sources distribute the emitted energy. So use several lamps instead of a central and bright light source.

According to Feng Shui rules, you should avoid neon lamps in your bedroom. Use incandescent and halogen lamps instead, which project a warmer and more pleasant energy.

By the way, according to Feng Shui, kinetic light from candles and a fireplace in the bedroom is not recommended. Here too, too much energy is emanating that can affect your sleep.

Fire is an essential part of Feng Shui, but it is unsuitable for your bedroom.

The correct position of your bed

Depending on the geometric shape of your bedroom, Feng Shui also affects the position of the bed and the quality of sleep.


In many areas, Feng Shui allows room for interpretation and individuality. However, this is not the case with the position of your sleeping place.

A few basic rules for the most harmonious arrangement and balance of your bed are:

  • Never position a bed across the room
  • Do not place the bed near the bed or door
  • The head end should touch a wall and you should be able to see the room from your sleeping position

The following applies to couples:

  • The man should sleep on his left side
  • The woman on the right side of the bed
  • If the bedroom door is to the right of the bed, the man should sleep on the right side

In addition:

  • Do not sleep under sloping ceilings, support beams or transverse edges
  • Do not position the bed between the door and the bed

So much for the fundamentals of Feng Shui in your bedroom. However, you can also calculate the perfect position of the bed with the help of the Kua number , which is made up of complex formulas.

Among other things, affect

  • birthday
  • Month of birth
  • Year of birth
  • gender

on the kua number. The perfect direction can be determined with the Kua number. At first glance, however, these seem a bit abstract and I would like to spare you.

Not only for pragmatic reasons, but because in my opinion the perfect direction for a healthy sleep can only be determined with difficulty by the factors mentioned.

I would rather go into specific application examples and not convey the exciting but extensive theory.

Which bed is best for Feng Shui?

This question is difficult to answer or it is incorrectly asked. You will remember that the concrete recommendations in Feng Shui around the bedroom are rather tight.


Asking the Feng Shui question for every bed is tedious and does not do justice to teaching, since it is not a trial and error principle.

Rather it was about the teaching of the 5 energies and how they can be used positively. Or which energies have a disruptive effect on the body and sleep.

Therefore it should actually read:

Which Feng Shui elements promote and disturb my sleep?

In Feng Shui, it is ideal when the area under the bed cannot be seen. A closed bed frame looks more stable and does not allow energy to flow through.

A bed with a metal frame is not recommended. Metals disrupt the natural magnetic field. Natural elements are more beneficial for your sleep here.

Rely on wood as an element. Solid wood designs such as a stone pine bed symbolize strength and longevity. Wood is more comfortable because it is less hard and looks cold than metal.

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, wall beds are recommended . On the one hand, foldaway beds enable the room to be enlarged not only visually during the day. This also releases energies.

On the other hand, foldaway beds are mainly made of wooden elements. As mentioned before, this element has a positive effect on your sleep.

However, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, a water bed can be discouraged. The restless and flowing state of sleep on a water bed does not let your energies come to rest.

In addition, the calming effect of water is lost because you cannot see or hear the water yourself. Overall , it has an unnatural effect on the human body from the sleeping position .

If the water bed still has an integrated heater, this is also not compatible with the electromagnetic fields. A heater emits energy and there should be more peace during bedtime.

The mattress should also be made of a natural material. A latex mattress made of natural rubber is very suitable for this.

Feng Shui also recommends natural materials rather than synthetic fibers for duvets . The appropriate best quilt made of natural materials you can find in the linked test.

The same goes for the pillow . You should also consider natural materials when choosing a pillow . However, avoid overloading your bed with a large number of pillows.

Your bedding should be made of cotton . The color scheme is particularly important here. Bedspreads are also highly recommended.

Should I put plants up?

You can do that. Plants have a calming effect on the human organism and have been shown to make you happier.

However, choosing the right plants for positive Feng Shui is not that easy. This is of course due to the shape and color. The smell of the plant is not discussed further in Feng Shui.

However, it is important not to place too many plants in the bedroom. Feng Shui should lead to positive harmony, but your bedroom should not be transformed into an indoor garden.

Plants with a round leaf shape and not too bright and intrusive colors are recommended for beneficial Feng Shui in the bedroom. If you want to deal with the topic in detail, I can recommend the following book:

This book not only covers Feng Shui in your bedroom, but covers your entire living space.

In addition, the effort required to care for the respective plant has an impact on your own well-being.

  • A cactus does not need much care and attention, but with its prickly look it causes rather negative thoughts.
  • Completely apart from Feng-Shui, in addition to choosing the right plants, you should also pay attention to regular care of the flora.

A sick or withering plant creates sadness and disharmony.

So make sure that the plant has enough daylight and does not dry out in the summer months due to the heat and in the winter months due to too much heating air.

However, if you water too much or so often, you will cause waterlogging. Depending on where you live, in the worst case scenario you will create a breeding ground for insects. And mosquitoes are truly the last thing you want in your bedroom.

Avoid electronic devices in the bedroom

You are of course right in your assertion that the ancient Chinese did not have any electrical appliances when they taught Feng Shui thousands of years ago.

At that time the bedrooms were not equipped with alarm clocks, televisions, game consoles or similar electronic devices.


So why is all of this supposed to have a negative effect on Feng Shui in the bedroom?

Feng Shui also includes teaching about the energy of your body. Every body reacts differently to external energy sources. These devices secrete precisely those energies.

The electronic devices emit frequencies and / or electromagnetic fields to which the human body reacts. Electrosmog is also emitted in stand-by mode.

Electromagnetic fields have been shown to disrupt your sleep and produce electrosmog.

The following devices and networks are clear sources of electrosmog:

  • Computer
  • Headsets
  • Televisions and radios
  • Devices with power supplies
  • electric alarm clock, clock radio
  • strombetriebene Babyphones
  • Game consoles
  • electric blankets, pillows and shoes
  • WLAN-Router

This also includes portable devices such as smartphones, cell phones, laptops and tablets. However, these are not part of the presumed equipment of a bedroom and can be removed more easily.

You can read more about how smartphones disturb our sleep here: Why you should banish your cell phone from the bedroom .

So try to stay away from sources of electrosmog. In other words, remove the sources of electrosmog before you go to sleep.

Electromagnetic fields penetrate the walls of your bedroom from other rooms and may unconsciously influence your sleep.

Of course, you cannot remodel and refurbish half the apartment for this purpose. But at least consider the influence of these electrical devices on your sleep.

The following symptoms are associated with electrosmog:

  • Restlessness or malaise
  • nervousness
  • a headache
  • Dizziness
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Depressive moods

If one or more symptoms apply to you, you should act.

Wouldn’t you like to do without electrical appliances in your bedroom? Having a television in the bedroom is of course very convenient and represents a certain standard of living.

There is another possibility for positive Feng Shui. This method allows all electrical appliances to stay in their place in the bedroom.

This device is not battery operated and ‘swallows’ electromagnetic fields within a radius of 4 meters.

Admittedly, it comes at a proud price, but a healthy night’s sleep should be worth it.

You can also take and use this device anywhere. After all, electromagnetic pollution is everywhere outside of your bedroom.

However, the cheaper option remains the manual removal of electrical devices. Of course, by moving the equipment you are not removing the electromagnetic pollution, you are simply moving it.

Which decorative elements have a positive effect on my sleep?

Speaking of decoration: According to Feng Shui, there is no other element that can go so much wrong in your bedroom.


In addition, one can argue about good taste anyway.

  • Let’s assume that your bedroom has ‘found itself’ so far and is already equipped with the basic elements of bed and bedroom furniture.
  • So what specific recommendations should you follow according to Feng Shui for the best decoration for your bedroom?

Again, there is no golden rule about which decorative elements are perfect for bedrooms.

Feng Shui is not a design etiquette for the interior design of your bedroom. Nevertheless, Chinese knowledge teaches a lot about decorative elements and their influence on our daily lives.

At the beginning I wrote about the principle that less is more. Of course, this does not only apply to things that are standing around or lying on the floor.

The more items that are pinned to your walls or hanging from the ceiling, the more cooped up you will feel in your bedroom.

Feng Shui can do little or improve it if you have overdone it decoratively and the walls are cluttered.

A few principles for harmonious bedroom decoration according to Feng Shui:

  • Do not attach anything over the head of the bed
  • The place where the gaze wanders from the sleeping position should be decorated
  • Decorative elements should combine well with the rest of the colors in the bedroom
  • Do not use modular multiple elements, only single pieces

The Chinese Feng Shui also teaches one or the other way of dealing with other decorative elements, which I would like to explain to you in more detail.

It is better not to put up photos

The more neutral your sleeping place is designed, the more relaxed you are. The fewer photos you put up or hang up, the better.

Of course I can understand a certain emotional connection with a photo. But basically photographs represent the captured moment that has long been a thing of the past.

Inevitably, you are reminded of something captured in a photo. For positive feng shui in the bedroom, you should avoid photos.

If you don’t want to do without the self-made photo collage or the photo gift from your loved one’s Valentine’s Day, then of course I understand. You decide for yourself whether you want to make an exception for the photos.

Even better: only show people in your bedroom who are also part of your household and allow access to your sleeping area. The closest family is of course always welcome and so you can create harmony with Feng Shui in your bedroom.

Of course, you do not use this if you live in a shared apartment 🙂

Pictures reflect the character

The same applies to pictures. Here, too, less is more in the end.


I can understand if you don’t want your bedroom walls to look too bare. At the other extreme, however, avoid having your walls completely over-decorated.

So use the power of the image for yourself. Nothing is more important in this context than a motive that has a positive effect on your well-being.

Which motive makes you happy in the end, encourages, calms you down or even motivates you best of all. You may be able to use symbols of Feng Shui to decorate your bedroom. I would like to go into that in a moment.

However, you should refrain from emotional heirlooms. Here too there are too many memories, where the picture was before, to whom it belonged, etc.

If possible, change picture frames as well. The more freely a picture is displayed on a wall, the more positive it will ultimately have on you personally. Dark picture frames also express a certain limitation and limit.

What about religious symbols?

Now, of course, there is an explosive and sensitive topic. Religion and religious symbols.

As you can imagine, the world looked a little different about 3,000 years ago. There were no real global beliefs at the time. A time before Christianity, Islam and Buddhism.


Religious and pagan splinter groups existed here and there, but Feng Shui comes from ancient China and religion has a different place in Asian philosophy than it does in our western world.

For the most part, religious symbols in the western hemisphere have more than just a decorative effect and represent the connection to God. Without question, belief is a very individual feeling and can literally move mountains.

This connection or energy to God in the form of representative objects did not exist in ancient China. According to this view, man stands between heaven and earth, but without acting as an energetic link.

Personal responsibility and submission to a god is something that is far from the Asian worldview. Rather, philosophy and religion were closer together in ancient China than in Europe.

Therefore I would like to leave the handling of religious symbols in the bedroom to myself without giving a specific direction. In this respect, Feng Shui recommends the renunciation of religious symbols.

  • However, if you draw strength and confidence from your faith, it is better not to change anything in the way you put up religious symbols.
  • If the positive effects outweigh the benefits for you, you shouldn’t think about a possible move away.

Even if Feng Shui advises against it in this sense, the use of these symbols is entirely compatible. Ultimately, it is about your individual comfort zone and everything is welcome that is beneficial.

Further signs and symbols

Do you remember the different views on the color white? With other signs and symbols it is no different in the Chinese interpretation of Feng Shui.


While 13 symbolizes an unlucky number in the western hemisphere, it is number 4. In China, 88 means double luck. Since I am writing this article in German, I don’t have to explain the meaning of this number in German-speaking countries any further.

Numbers, on the other hand, have the following meaning in Feng Shui:

  1. The beginning, the way of life, the original unity of the primal energy.
  2. Two opposing poles, yin and yan, interpersonal relationships.
  3. Triangular plane, balanced mediator on a two energy scale.
  4. Represents death through the similar phonetic sound of the pronunciation.
  5. Connection of nature with the cosmos, the five elements of nature.
  6. Movement, energy, balance and harmony between people.
  7. Carefree, cheerfulness, security. Is considered a symbol of the youngest daughter.
  8. Represents impending good fortune and fortune. Infinity and spirituality.
  9. The completion, the conclusion. Long life, recognition and fame.

I would also like to list some of the traditional Chinese symbols for you:

  • Turtle – protection and stability
  • Apple, orange, pomegranate – longevity, prosperity and fertility.
  • Rose, lotus, chrysanthemum – growth, happiness and blessings
  • Butterfly – love and romance
  • Horse – success, fame, freedom and speed
  • Leo – vigilance, protection

Please do not decorate your entire sleeping area with 88 lotus flowers in order to lease happiness for yourself forever. There is no mathematical formula for success to maximize feng shui for your bedroom.

Also, Chinese porcelain dragons do not make you strong and invulnerable in your dreams. Rather, it is about the dignified handling of these signs.

When you have internalized the information about the symbolism of Feng Shui and can somehow use it in a positive way for yourself, apply it in the bedroom.

Even if a fountain acts as a source of energy, according to Feng Shui you should avoid indoor fountains in your bedroom. The element water is too energetic and active and has a counterproductive effect on your sleep.

Animals in the bedroom

With pets, however, Feng Shui is gracious, or rather a very divided view. Here, too, it becomes somewhat abstract.


In principle, pets do not represent a problem for Feng Shui. Unless the animal has a connection to the water. For example, an animal in an aquarium could be named here.

It is less about the fish, the snail or the marine animal itself, but about the water as a disruptive source of energy. So don’t position your aquarium in a bedroom.

Pisces are symbolic of prosperity and wealth. However, water for the strongest and most irrepressible of all elements.

Animals often have a finer sense of water veins, reprehensible energies or other polluted areas. This special sense of touch or instinct has been lost to humans in evolution.

A safe place to sleep can be found where dogs, mice, guinea pigs or birds feel comfortable and lie down to rest. These animals avoid energy sources and flee from them just like humans.

  • But not all pets behave accordingly. Cats, turtles, snakes and rabbits are all animals that seek rays. They prefer to settle on energy sources.
  • Now, however, please do not let the snake or rodent out of the terrarium to find the right place to sleep in your bedroom. And certainly not both animals at the same time.

I just wanted to convey to you how animals behave when they come into contact with energy sources. It is true that they only play a subordinate role in human sleep. However, we people in Central Europe keep all kinds of animals at home, all of which behave differently to energy sources.

Ultimately, however, you have to decide for yourself whether you want to share your bedroom with your dog or cat. An emotional connection to your animal has a strengthening effect on the sleeping area.

I don’t have any pets myself, but I would advise against them for hygienic reasons.

However, you should absolutely avoid any connections with dead animals. In any case, one can argue about the sense and nonsense of stuffed animal bodies. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, such trophies have no place in the bedroom.

Do not attach mirrors!

If you have problems in your deep sleep phase, try to figure them out. It may have something to do with the fact that you fixed a mirror in the bedroom.

In the subconscious, reflections from glassy surfaces such as mirrors can lead to confusion. Feng Shui advises against using mirrors in the bedroom for these reasons.


If you have positioned a metal-containing mirror in the bedroom, it will also forward or reflect rays. So if you are particularly sensitive to radiation, remove the mirror from your bedroom.

So unless you are a narcissist who is in love with yourself or you cannot remove the mirror from the cabinet, let it hang. To cross-check, remove the mirror from the bedroom and sleep a few nights in the room without it.

That was by no means all there was to be said on the subject of ‘Feng Shui in the bedroom’. But all the important things including concrete recommendations in brief. You decide for yourself whether and how you want to treat Feng Shui.

Ultimately, it is a very extensive and fundamental topic. Feng Shui is an extensive teaching. Internalizing them takes a lot of time and attention.

Even if some recommendations and practices of Feng Shui seem very abstract at first glance, the lived practice of Feng Shui is certainly not harmful for you.

Perhaps not every part of the teaching of Feng Shui is suitable for you. You may actually react differently to individual elements than others. It is possible that only a few things of Feng Shui can be implemented in your bedroom.

But you will never feel possible effects if you close yourself to the energy theory.

Closing word

Feng Shui can not only beautify your living area visually. There will also be something profound behind the scenes that you can feel.

That was by no means all there was to be said on the subject of ‘Feng Shui in the bedroom’. But the most important and specific recommendations are briefly summarized.

You decide for yourself whether and how you want to use Feng Shui in the bedroom. Feng Shui was very beneficial to me personally and I was able to take away a lot of positive things from the Chinese theory of harmony.

Feng Shui is a very extensive and fundamental topic and an effective teaching for the home. Internalizing them takes a lot of time and attention.

Even if some recommendations and practices of Feng Shui seem very abstract at first glance, the lived practice of Feng Shui is certainly not harmful for you.

Perhaps not every part of the teaching of Feng Shui is suitable for you. You may actually react differently to individual elements than others. It is possible that only a few things of Feng Shui can be implemented in your bedroom.

But you will never feel the possible effects of Feng Shui in the bedroom if you close yourself to the Chinese theory of harmony.

I created Sleep Knowledge to share my interests and experiences on healthy sleeping with others. On this page I am therefore dealing with interesting questions about the optimal night’s sleep & everything else that goes with it.

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