This is how late exercise affects your health. In addition, what measures you can take to minimize the risks of exercising before you go to sleep.
Do you know the problem of having done some exercise quickly before going to sleep, then rolling from side to side in bed and not being able to fall asleep?
- The assumption that exercising before bed is unhealthy is obvious – because the body does not come to rest.
- But is that really true? Or is late exercise even healthy and help you lose weight?
Here’s how healthy it is to exercise before sleep and what you can do to sleep better after exercising.
In order to clarify how exercise affects the body before sleep, it makes sense to learn more about our natural energy balance:
The high and low phases of the body
Every body has its own biorhythm with high and low phases.
That is why sometimes you are full of energy and hours later you are dead.
- In the morning the body’s energy stores are empty and sleep has used them up.
- The body slowly picks up speed, the performance curve rises and reaches the first high point between 10 a.m. and 11 a.m.
Then the performance drops and does not increase again until around 3 p.m., this high phase lasts until around 9 p.m.
Exercising at the wrong time robs us of sleep
So you see: the natural energy balance of our body plays a major role. It not only affects our performance when exercising, but also how well we sleep.
Exercise before bed, like light and stress, inhibits the release of melatonin (melatonin is a sleep hormone that makes us tired just in time to fall asleep).
This in turn can lead to restless sleep.
In many cases, hunger and eating too late are added to this – the body needs energy after training. The digestion also causes problems falling asleep.
In summary: Whenever possible, you should plan for sporting activities earlier in the day so as not to disrupt the body’s natural hormonal balance.
Do I always have to do without exercise in the evening?
To make one thing clear: late training is of course healthier than no sport at all.
If you only have time for exercise in the evening, you should of course still stick to sport (in the section below you will find out how you can keep the negative effects as small as possible).
If you have the choice, however, you should follow your internal clock and train in the high phases if possible to keep the risk of sleep disorders low.
What are the consequences of exercising too late?
The possible consequences can vary greatly depending on the person.
- For example, those who train regularly in the evening give the body time to get used to this rhythm.
- Negative effects on the body are then still present, but may be reduced.
But age also plays a major role. The internal clock of adolescents is often active well into the night anyway, while older people struggle with bigger problems.
Common effects of late exercise are:
- Difficulty falling asleep because the body is still in a state of stress & the release of sleep hormones has been delayed
- By sleep problems and frequent nighttime awakenings. Often this has to do with eating too late before going to sleep (those affected often have to go to the bathroom).
- Decreased sleep quality. If you are constantly tired despite getting enough sleep , your body may be missing the deep sleep phases.
- Increased sweating during sleep . The body does not shut down properly or the stomach still has late dinner to digest – night sweats accumulate.
But be careful: the effects on sleep are not always clearly felt.
It is possible that you do not have any problems falling asleep at first, but are just a little exhausted in the pillow the next morning because your sleep quality suffers from late training.
In the long run, such mild signs can worsen & lead to more serious symptoms like lack of sleep . So better watch your body closely.
Here’s how to mitigate the negative effects of late-night exercise
Theory is all well and good: However, many people only have time to do sports in the evenings, as work, family and other important appointments fill the day.
You don’t have to do without exercise in the late evening or at night …
… if you follow a few tricks to at least mitigate the negative effects of exercise before sleep.
Stay in the low heart rate range
The design of the training has a major impact on the behavior of falling asleep after exercise.
- In the evening and at night, you should avoid intense training that puts you in the upper pulse regions.
- Instead, it is better to train in the lower pulse range, so it is easier for the body to shut down the circulation again after exercise.
You should rather do interval training or more intensive units on days when you have more time and do not have to postpone training into the evening hours.
Properly end the evening exercise
Just as warm-up exercises are done before exercise to slowly get the body used to the strain, exercises should be done after exercise to help relax. This can
- stretching
- Relaxation exercises
- Breathing exercises
- Relaxation exercises
A sauna or a relaxing bath also help the body to get into sleep mode faster and thus ensure a peaceful sleep.
Tip: Autogenic training has been shown to promote sleep. Other routines such as evening meditations also help the body to relax.
Proper nutrition after exercise
In order to successfully combine exercise and sleep, it is important to pay attention to your diet. For a healthy night’s sleep, the right dinner is at least as important as the actual training.
Like alcohol, you should avoid large, fatty meals after exercising .
- With a full stomach, the body is busy digesting and stays awake longer …
- … if alcohol was drunk, it has to be broken down again before the body can calm down.
It is better to eat something small and light after exercise so that the stomach is not too busy digesting and prevents you from sleeping.
A Schlaftee or a glass of milk with honey also have a positive impact on the Einschlafverhalten.
Just like hops, which also have a calming effect on the organism. A non-alcoholic beer after exercising can also help you fall asleep.
Note: You can read more on the subject here: Eating before bed .
Routine is everything: the body gets used to stress
The human body is adaptable and can get used to sports at night.
- How well the adaptation works always depends on the type.
- Some people are fitter than others in the evening, but find it difficult to get out of bed in the morning.
How much the body gets used to late training sessions is difficult to predict for each individual.
How long it takes for the body to adjust to the new daily routine and for you to sleep less badly after exercising also varies.
A few general rules:
For people who have problems getting a full night’s sleep, it is important to avoid exercising about 4 to 5 hours before going to bed.
If you don’t have any problems sleeping through the night, it is enough if the training session is finished 1-2 hours before going to bed.
However , you cannot completely ignore your internal clock. As already described above, the risk of sleep disorders increases .
If you have a choice, be consistent
In order not to postpone the sport unnecessarily into the evening, it helps to beat your weaker self and avoid the sofa when you get home.
It is better to start exercising right after work.
Before going to sleep it helps to read a book to calm the organism. Computers, television and cell phones should not be used before going to bed , because the brightness reduces the release of melatonin.
Ensure an optimal sleep experience
You spend a third of your life in bed – that is why it pays to focus on quality when furnishing your bedroom.
- Regardless of whether it is a mattress, neck pillow or noise protection curtain – take some time to ensure a good night’s sleep.
- This also includes regular ventilation and the right humidity – because this is the only way the body can recover sufficiently.
Anything that supports your own night’s rest is beneficial.
Summary: exercise before sleep
Exercise and sleep are both extremely important for a healthy lifestyle and you should definitely try to integrate exercise into your daily routine.
Exercise is also recommended in the evening – at least if you can bring the body to rest quickly afterwards & there is no opportunity for movement during the day.
So that you can minimize the negative effects on sleep, I have summarized the most important points here:
- Make sure you have a moderate exercise program in the evening or at night and do not exhaust yourself completely.
- Do not eat large meals after exercising, rather drink a soothing tea.
- Get used to a fixed daily routine in which you firmly integrate the sport. Over time, your body gets used to the routine and you sleep more calmly after exercising.
You are welcome to read more information for better sleep on this page:
From sleeping tips to the optimal furnishing of your bedroom , help with sleep disorders and the latest findings from sleep research .
Simply click on one of the links to get to the respective overview.
I hope this post around
I created Sleep Knowledge to share my interests and experiences on healthy sleeping with others. On this page I am therefore dealing with interesting questions about the optimal night’s sleep & everything else that goes with it.