How to find the perfect earplug to sleep in. A detailed guide & comparison of current test winners.
Do you also have problems falling asleep when it is too loud in the bedroom?
Regardless of whether it is car traffic, noisy neighbors or a snoring partner, there are many sources of unwanted noises while sleeping.
With the right earplugs you can effectively reduce the noise level and sleep soundly again.
Which earplugs are available and how best to use them, that’s what this article is about. You will find many details on the following topics:
You see, there is a lot to consider when using earplugs. I sincerely hope that this post and my buying recommendations will help you find the earbuds that will help you get a better sleep.
Before starting the guide, here are a few more recommended earplugs from the test:
Why our ears can disturb sleep
You can use your ears to receive sounds at different frequencies.
- Unfortunately, in doing so, you cannot close your ears like your eyes to hear less.
- Fortunately, during sleep, a process begins in the brain that reduces sensitivity to sounds.
This allows us to sleep even when there are noises around us. In deep sleep phases we no longer perceive the environment. And even a loud alarm clock takes some time to wake us up.
The ear is one of our most sensitive organs
However, it is difficult for many people to fall asleep in the presence of constant noise .
- The microscopic hairs in the ear catch the slightest sound waves and the not yet sleeping brain tries to interpret them.
- This does not calm us down and we have trouble falling asleep. Sleep disorders & unhealthy lack of sleep are the result.
With suitable earplugs you can dampen the noise in your environment.
Reading tip: These sleep aids help you to get into the realm of dreams quickly and cheaply.
Depending on how much noise you need to absorb, you should use different types of earplugs.
What types of earplugs are there?
One differentiates the earplugs currently available on the market both by the material from which they are made, as well as by the different areas of application.
Since I exclusively present earplugs as sleeping aids in this article, I will not go into any more detail about other areas of application such as concert protection, occupational safety or swimming protection.
Definition of earplugs
There are legal regulations, thanks to which you can expect a certain minimum standard:
According to the official definition, an earplug can only be called an earplug if it reduces environmental noise by at least 10 decibels.
This is roughly the sound that a mosquito makes. Other noises appear reduced by up to half with such earplugs.
- Of course, there are also earplugs that attenuate significantly more decibels.
- Very elaborate earplugs can reduce the noise level by up to 25 decibels.
However, these models are correspondingly expensive.
What materials are earplugs made of?
The most common materials used for earplugs are
- wax
- silicone
- Foam
Below, I’ll also go over the pros and cons of the different materials used for earplugs.
Wax earplugs
A big advantage of wax earplugs is the price. They are often very cheap.
The wax layer, which adapts ideally to the inside of the ear due to the warmth, insulates noise very effectively.
On the other hand, hygiene is difficult if you want to use your earplugs regularly. Wax earplugs are not so easy to clean and can also leave deposits in the ear.
Silicone earplugs
Silicone is very popular for the production of earplugs due to its very soft texture and good tolerance.
In addition, the silicone earplugs are excellent for cleaning. They are priced above the wax earplugs.
An exclusive variant of silicone earplugs are custom-made products. These are precisely tailored to your ear based on a model and can thus dampen noise even more effectively.
However, the production of customized silicone earplugs has its price (more on this in a moment).
Plastic earplugs
When using plastic earplugs, you should pay attention to the plastic they are made of.
Some substances can cause allergic reactions.
Just like silicone earplugs, plastic earplugs are also easy to clean and are therefore suitable for long-term use.
The effectiveness of the noise insulation of plastic is significantly below that of comparable products made of wax or silicone.
Tip: If you are not sure, then this set is ideal for trying out different variants:
Custom made earplugs
If you would like to invest a little more money, I can recommend that you have custom-fit earplugs made by a hearing care professional.
The expert will match this directly to your ear based on an impression of your ear canal. In addition, he can incorporate special filters that, for example, attenuate certain frequencies more than others.
In addition, it is possible for the hearing care professional to manufacture your earplugs in such a way that they can absorb up to 25 decibels as required and desired.
Note: Custom-made earplugs are also extremely comfortable to wear.
How to properly use earplugs
Most earplugs that you can buy in stores work on the same principle, regardless of what material they are made of.
- Pinch the earbuds with your fingers and insert them into the ear canal.
- There they expand again and thus close the ear canal.
- To remove the earplugs, simply pull them out of your ear with a slight twisting motion.
It is best to also take a look at the enclosed instructions in order to really use your model correctly.
Pay attention to the tone frequencies
Good earplugs can attenuate different sound frequencies more strongly.
For example, there are special earplugs for high frequencies that are very effective when it comes to damaging shrill tools.
- For concerts or loud parties, on the other hand, earplugs are recommended that evenly dampen all sound frequencies in order to offer protection without spoiling the enjoyment of music.
- If you are looking for earplugs to help you fall asleep better, you should make sure that they dampen all frequencies as well as possible. The less you hear, the easier it is to fall asleep.
In summary: When buying the right earplugs, it is worthwhile for you to pay attention to which noises actually disturb your sleep.
Car traffic, for example, has a very low audio frequency, whereas the chirping of birds usually consists of high frequencies.
Caution: too much insulation can be uncomfortable
Many people find the use of earplugs rather uncomfortable when they are used for the first time.
Since the earplugs affect the natural sensory perception, the body often reacts with rejection.
- The pressing feeling of the plug is very uncomfortable at first.
- Often there is also mental discomfort:
In particular if the insulation of the ambient noise is very high, you may find the “isolation” uncomfortable.
However, since people tend to get used to new situations and circumstances quickly, this effect usually subsides after a few uses of the earplugs.
Possible disadvantages of using earplugs
Hygiene is very important, especially if you use your earplugs regularly.
Only clean earbuds can prevent problems. In particular, disposable earplugs should not be used over a long period of time.
The most common problems that can arise with regular use of earplugs are:
- Inflammation
- Fungal infections
- Obstruction of the auditory canal
- Dependence (you cannot fall asleep even with normal noises).
Note : If you are going to use earplugs for more than a few days, be sure to consult your family doctor.
This will avoid problems when using earplugs
Here are some tips that you should keep in mind when using earplugs:
- Clean your earbuds before each use
- Wash your hands thoroughly before inserting the earbuds
- Do not force the earplugs into your ear canal
- Twist the earbud slightly to make it easier to remove
- In fact, only use disposable earplugs once
This minimizes the risk of hearing damage and other complaints from ear plugs.
Snoring and earplugs
If your partner’s snoring is the reason you want to buy earplugs, be sure to read the existing posts on snoring and the best tips for preventing snoring too.
Alternatives to earplugs
Often it can also be very effective if you cover up disturbing noises with pleasant noises.
For example, soft relaxation music or nature sounds are good ways of distracting your hearing from disturbing noises.
In the event of minor disturbances, noise protection curtains may help to make falling asleep easier.
Where can you buy earplugs?
Depending on the quality of your earplugs, you can buy them in supermarkets, pharmacies or even from hearing care professionals.
To save money, I recommend that you compare the offers on the Internet. You can often order earplugs very conveniently and cheaply in an online shop like amazon.
Earplug comparison: My personal purchase recommendations
In this chapter I have put together for you some of the best and most effective earplugs currently available on the Internet.
In order to make the purchase recommendation as useful as possible, I have included items from different price ranges and with different uses:
Inexpensive and good: Ohropax soft (10 pieces)
With a retail price well below 10 euros for 10 earplugs, you can’t go wrong with this article. The earplugs made of expanded polyurethane foam are particularly recommended for beginners.
- reusable
- Storage box included
- washable
To try out: earplugs test box (6 pieces)
If you want to try different earplugs this box is perfect.
It contains 2 wax ear plugs, 2 silicone ear plugs and 2 plastic ear plugs. Take your time and try out which earplugs you like best.
- different materials in one box
- proven earplugs quality
- Ideal for first time users
Versatile and elegant: Alpine Music Safe hearing protection
These earplugs are originally intended for musicians, but thanks to the different filters they also help to dampen different frequencies if you have sleep problems.
The storage box that is included in the price is also very nice.
- Three frequency filters
- Can also be used for concerts
- washable
Moldable silicone: SleepDreamz silicone earplugs
For little money there are 4 pairs of silicone earplugs which users say are very easy to use and at the same time fulfill many functions.
Depending on how large the mass you are using and how deep you insert it into the ear, you can vary the insulation function. These earplugs are also suitable for use in water.
- Can be changed in size as required
- Airtight seal
- Storage box included
Prize winner: Ohropax Classic
For over 100 years, these wax earplugs have been helping people fall asleep peacefully.
Even today, users are enthusiastic about the product. The price is also impressive.
- Great value for money
- Can be used multiple times
- Noise insulation up to 25 decibels
Conclusion: earplugs are a good sleep aid
If you are sensitive to noise and have trouble falling asleep when the background noise is too loud, earplugs are a perfect solution to reduce the noise.
However, you should use them carefully and not too often. For long-term problems with falling asleep, it is advisable to see a doctor.
Since earplugs are relatively cheap to buy, I recommend that you try out the different materials in peace. In this way you can find the earplugs that suit you best relatively quickly.
Then you can always take your earplugs with you as a precaution if you suspect that there may be disturbing noises where you want to sleep.
The earplugs will surely help you to fall asleep more easily and more easily.
More tips for your sleep
You are also welcome to browse the other sections and find out which measures you can take to improve your sleep:
- The bedroom category provides helpful tips on how to best furnish your bedroom .
- In the next section you will find more information on common sleep problems and sleep disorders .
- We explain current studies (understandable for everyone) in the category of sleep research .
- General tips & strategies for a healthy night’s sleep can be found here: Sleep better .
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I created Sleep Knowledge to share my interests and experiences on healthy sleeping with others. On this page I am therefore dealing with interesting questions about the optimal night’s sleep & everything else that goes with it.