Dodow sleep aid – experience report & test

Read here what the luminous sleep aid is really good for. Everything important about the effect, functionality & tips for falling asleep quickly.

Dodow sounds like the name of an exotic animal – but what is really behind it?

The manufacturers promise that Dodow can effectively help you fall asleep.

I grabbed the little sleep aid and spent some time with it – in the following report you can read my experiences and tips from everyday life.

The sleep aid is not a miracle cure for every type of sleep problem – but with a little discipline and my tips you can significantly improve your sleep rhythm .

Dodow – this is how the light metronome works for falling asleep

Dodow is a round light metronome that you can best place on your desk.

The small device switches on with a simple touch.

  • You can now choose between two modes: You can choose between an 8-minute and a 20-minute program.
  • A single tap starts the 8-minute program, a double tap starts the 20-minute mode.

After starting the desired mode, Dodow will start projecting a blue light onto the wall.

What happens next?

Follow the beam of light on the ceiling. This will bring your brain’s focus to Dodow. Otherwise we will quickly get lost in a carousel of thoughts – does that sound familiar to you?

Yes, one of the main reasons for problems falling asleep is wild thought processes, in which our brain prefers to get entangled before going to bed, making it very difficult to fall asleep.

  • A second advantage of Dodow: It calms your breathing. How? Very simple: make sure to breathe in as the light cone gets bigger.
  • On the other hand, if the ball of light becomes smaller, exhale. The regular and slow pace of sleep creates an ideal atmosphere for falling asleep.

This process then repeats for either eight or twenty minutes. Then Dodow switches off automatically.

So much for the theory – but does the miracle metronome keep what it promises? I tested it for you once.

Dodow – my experience after 1 week of testing

I ordered Dodow directly on Amazon and after only two days the little wonder gadget came to my home.

My first impression: high quality, clear design and an ideal travel size. Since I like to travel, it’s the perfect companion.

  • First of all: I do not suffer from chronic sleep disorders . Most of the time, because of the excitement, it is very difficult for me to find peace before an exam.
  • As luck would have it, I had an exam during the test week. So a few days before that I started my new bedtime ritual.

I placed my new friend on my bedside table and turned off the light.

First of all, I tried the eight minute mode and slowly inhaled and exhaled following the light.

I have to admit, at first it was pretty exhausting to breathe at the given pace, because my breathing is usually faster.

But after a few minutes I managed to do it pretty well. To my surprise, the sleep game actually made me more tired than before.

After eight minutes, Dodow switched off again. Unfortunately, I don’t know how long it took me to fall asleep afterwards. In any case, in my opinion, it went faster than usual.

I repeated the same sleep game every evening. The day before my exam, of course, as expected, I was absolutely excited. What I had learned was circling wildly in my head, keeping me from sleeping.

Since I was much more cranked than usual, I wanted to give the twenty minute mode a try this time.

So I turned on Dodow and tapped it twice. The light metronome immediately began to shine its pleasant blue light beam on the wall.

Twenty minutes seemed very long to me, almost infinitely long. And the long strained concentration on breathing actually made me forget my exam for the moment.

I fell asleep even before Dodow finished his program – madness!

The next day I was well rested and I was able to write my exam and felt much more rested than normally on stressful days.

Tips when using Dodow

Since I’ve already spent some time with the sleep aid, I would like to give you a few tips from everyday life:

Since I’ve already spent some time with the sleep aid, I would like to give you a few tips from everyday life:

Which mode is better for me?

Twenty minutes can feel like an eternity.

That’s why I advise initially to only try the eight minute mode to get used to the methodology.

However, if you have been going to sleep forever or are extremely excited, you will have fun with the twenty-minute breathing exercise.

Dodow is not helping me, what should I do?

Do not throw the gun in the grain after the first time: breathing properly has to be practiced!

Give Dodow some time to test its effectiveness. Of course, there is no miracle technique that helps everyone.

Reading tip: Here you will find a comparison of other sleep aids .

If you notice after a few weeks that the device is not for you, you will have to resort to other means.

Facts worth knowing about Dodow

In this chapter I have put together some questions & answers that have been asked by readers:

Can I change the color of the light cone?

Unfortunately not. The color of Dodow cannot be changed and will remain blue.

I always thought that blue color is preventing me from falling asleep?

Yes that’s also right. Blue light inhibits the release of melatonin, which initiates the sleep process.

However, the light from Dodow is too weak to noticeably inhibit the release of melatonin. I would have liked a reddish light, but unfortunately the sleep aid does not offer that.


The alternative: Philips light alarm clocks also offer a sleep function with pulsating light. More information & a comparison can be found at: Philips HF3520 light alarm clock in the test .

My ceiling is pretty high – can I still use Dodow?

Dodow’s light cone is bundled quite powerfully and can also work on very high ceilings without any problems.

How is Dodow operated?

Three AAA batteries are required to operate the light metronome. However, these are included in the scope of delivery so that you can use Dodow directly.

Does Dodow also work for poor eyesight?

Dodow is also effective for people with severe visual impairment, because the silhouette of the light cone is very large and can still be recognized.

Does the metronome also play music?

No, Dodow just throws a soothing beam of light on the wall. This keeps the bedroom quiet and music cannot disturb concentration.

I sleep on my side – does this make the device unsuitable?

Side sleepers can also enjoy Dodow’s ball of light.

As long as the room is dark enough, you can also see the light beam on the side walls. Make sure there is enough darkness with opaque noise protection curtains.

Conclusion after my test week

I have to say, at first I was quite skeptical whether the device would deliver what it promised.

  • According to the company, over 150,000 users are already sleeping much better than before. Maybe I am one of them now?
  • After a week with my little friend, I can only recommend the device. For me at least, it kept what it promised!

The simple but effective technique helped me to fall asleep well despite exam stress.

The only negative point: For the fact that it is a simple device, it still has a proud price.

More tips and tricks that can help you fall asleep

Price is one point that could prevent some from acquiring it.

In the following I have put together methods that could help you fall asleep, even without Dodow.


Focusing your thoughts on one thing helps you stay on top of things.

  • Meditation has been used for centuries to focus focus on one point and block out everything else.
  • There are tons of videos on YouTube about this that will guide you step by step and help you fall asleep faster.

Alternatively, you can turn on classical music, sit cross-legged on the floor and concentrate on controlling your breathing ( autogenic training before sleeping ).

In doing so, you hide everything else, i.e. all disturbing thoughts except your breathing.

Counting sheep

Probably one of the oldest secret tricks for sleeping problems. Did your parents advise you to count sheep too?

A simple but effective trick, because it distracts your brain and concentrates on one single thing: the countless little sheep that hop over an imaginary fence.


It always helps a lot to exhaust myself doing sports. This makes my exhausted body all the more happy to fall into bed in the evening.


However, be careful not to exercise just before bed time . Because this releases adrenaline, which puts the body in a waking state.

Exercising is best 4-6 hours before bed.

Classical music

Soothing classical music helps to let go and makes you tired. And who doesn’t like to listen to Mozart and Beethoven’s soothing sounds before falling asleep?

Warm milk with honey

Not only does it taste delicious, it also helps you fall asleep. A tried and tested trick, especially with children.

A hot shower

The vessels are expanded by the hot shower. As a result, the blood flows more slowly through our body and calms down.


Valerian is a tried and tested remedy for sleeping problems. It relaxes the body and mind.


Like valerian, chamomile also has a calming effect. A warm cup of chamomile tea will help you fall asleep better. The optimal sleeping tea !


It is advisable to read 30 min – 60 min before you go to bed. The strain on the eyes makes you tired quickly. And who says no to an exciting evening reading?

Cell phones out of the bedroom

Stay away from cell phones and Co. As soon as you turn off the light, you should put all electronics down and don’t touch them until the next day. Because the bright light activates the neurons in the eyes and puts them in a waking state.

Sleep masks

All kinds of light will keep you awake and have difficulty getting back to sleep. A classic sleep mask prevents this.

These are already available at a low price in your drugstore. Some can also be placed in the refrigerator compartment and have a decongestant effect on the eyelids. So 2-in-1, how practical!


In many spas, certain fragrances are already common to create a calming atmosphere. Lavender and sage fragrance oil are particularly suitable for this.

You can either buy the herbs in small scented bags or spread a few drops of the scented oil on your pillow. Refreshing!

Mattress & pillow

A good and comfortable mattress is the ideal basis for a good and restful sleep.

When buying, look for good quality. Mattresses that are too soft ensure that you wake up faster when turning at night. A suitable pillow is also important to keep the spine straight.


You can find recommended models for every sleeping position here: Pillow test .

Casual clothing

The pajamas should be loose and comfortable. Clothing that is too tight creates unrest.

The right food

Be careful not to have a large meal before bed . Because a hard-working digestion prevents sleep. Light snacks such as yoghurt, an apple or the like, on the other hand, are ideal.

Stay away from greasy things and sweets.

No caffeine

Beverages containing caffeine should not be consumed after 4 p.m. Because the stimulating effect lasts for several hours.

No alcohol


Alcohol makes you tired , but it prevents the REM phase from lasting long. This makes your sleep restless and short.

The routine is important

Having a normal sleep schedule is important. Develop a routine that you can follow. For example, a hot shower before bed or a little reading before bed.

Also keep to fixed sleep times.

Avoid afternoon nap

If possible, try not to take too long a nap . This messes up the sleep rhythm.

Light alarm clock with sleep function

Last but not least, there are also special alarm clocks that simulate sunset or sunrise using light.


This helps the body to bring the natural hormonal balance in line with our sleeping times. You can read more about these devices here: Light alarm clock test & comparison .

I hope that you enjoyed my review of the Dodow sleep aid. Please recommend this page to friends and acquaintances.

I created Sleep Knowledge to share my interests and experiences on healthy sleeping with others. On this page I am therefore dealing with interesting questions about the optimal night’s sleep & everything else that goes with it.

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