Cervical Syndrome – Signs, Causes & Effective Treatments

Problems with the cervical vertebrae & back are often indicative of cervical syndrome. Here you will find out what you can do – and how you can prevent discomfort.

Most of us are familiar with a sore back or a tense shoulder after getting up.

If the symptoms persist, however, there is often a deeper cause.

Since many readers of this site struggle with back problems, I would like to deal with the cervical syndrome in this article.

Such complaints are often related to bad sleeping habits – but not only. That’s why you read everything important on the topic here:

What exactly is cervical syndrome?

In general, the term cervical syndrome (ZVS for short) is used for all complaints that have their origin in the cervical spine.

Typical complaints include neck stiffness, shoulder pain after sleeping , headache, tingling, and sensory disturbances in arms and hands.

The ZVS is also known as the cervical spine syndrome (cervical spine for short), as it affects this area of ​​the spine particularly frequently.

What are the symptoms?

Most of the time, tension in the neck muscles is the cause of your symptoms.

h the tight muscles leads to restricted movement, sleep disorders , pain when turning the head, headache, stiffness, and sometimes even migraine attacks occur.

The hardening can often be felt with the bare hand.

Other symptoms are restless sleep , tingling in the fingers, twitching when falling asleep , shoulder pain, dizziness, nausea and vomiting.

Visual disturbances and noises in the ears such as constant tinnitus can also occur.

What is the cause of my complaints?

In almost all cases, the tension in the neck muscles has no incurable causes – at least if the pain is not yet chronic (more on this below).

Initially, it is only a matter of hardening of the muscles, which causes complaints.

  • In most cases, the doctor cannot clearly classify your symptoms or determine their origin.
  • However, there are some risk factors that can promote the occurrence of cervical spine acid syndrome.

Little to no physical activity makes muscles slack and weak. As a result, tension and hardening occur more frequently.

Weak back muscles tend to be more tense.

Tip: Massage away tension with fascia training .

Other causes of problems with the cervical vertebrae

As with many other complaints, obesity and stress are risk factors for ZVS.

  • Hard physical work (construction workers, nurses, …) and too much sport without periods of rest can also lead to ZVS.
  • But even office jobs with poor chairs, where you sit in the same position for a very long time, are not conducive to a healthy and pain-free posture.

But also a wrong sleeping position or an unsuitable pillow can lead to tension. The body does not come to rest at night if you do not sleep well .

During pregnancy, the woman’s center of gravity shifts, which means that the back muscles have to work harder to keep the body upright.

If in doubt, better to see a doctor

Serious illnesses such as multiple sclerosis or a herniated disc can be the cause of this and can only be treated well if diagnosed early.

In short: In any case, you should consult your doctor if the symptoms do not improve after a few days.

How often do these complaints occur?

The cervical syndrome is a disease that occurs relatively often.

  • Every second person suffers from one of the ailments mentioned above at least once in their life.
  • This affects more women than men, which can be attributed to anatomically weaker back muscles.

In general, however, there is unfortunately no meaningful data on the true frequency, as a visit to the doctor is often not used.

What types of ZVS are there?

A general distinction is made between an acute and a chronic cervical spine syndrome, but the origin of the complaints also serves as a distinguishing feature.

The acute cervical syndrome

As long as the symptoms do not last longer than three months, one speaks of an acute course of the disease.

  • In technical jargon, the doctor calls this pseudoradicular cervical syndrome .
  • Pseudo because the symptoms are triggered by cramping and tension in the muscles.

The origin of the symptoms does not lie in the nerves but can be traced back to a hardening of the muscles.

This type of Z S can usually be reversed by strengthening the muscles and massages.

Tip: Put on orthopedic pillows and neck rolls to prevent tension.

Chronic cervical syndrome

The complaints last longer than three months. This type of cervical spine syndrome also belongs to the group of pseudoradicular ZVS.

You should definitely consult a doctor to rule out serious causes.

Treatment is also necessary because this chronic stress has a negative impact on your body feeling.

If left untreated, the symptoms worsen and over time lead to more severe forms:

Degenerative Cervical Syndrome

The origin of this type of ZVS lies in the wear and tear of the vertebral joints (which is almost irreversible).

Radikuläres Zervikalsyndrom

Narrowed vertebral segments compress the nerves, which can trigger pain and the familiar ant sensation.

One then speaks of the known herniated disc.

The herniated disc must be treated, as the constriction can become stronger and stronger until the nerve is completely pinched, destroyed and causes paralysis.

How does my doctor diagnose ZVS?

First, your family doctor will determine whether it is necessary to refer you to an orthopedic surgeon through a personal interview and a brief physical examination.

  • Most of the time, however, this is not necessary and your doctor will prescribe a muscle cream to relieve tension.
  • If you are referred, the orthopedic surgeon will examine you more closely from head to toe and may even take an X-ray.

The doctor will also test your reflexes, sensitivity, flexibility and strength.

If your symptoms include tingling in your arms and fingers, the orthopedic surgeon will order an MRI or CT scan to rule out a herniated disc.

How to treat cervical spine syndrome

The most important thing for the success of the therapy is your own motivation. Depression and anxiety can be a hindrance.


  • Usually the doctor tries to alleviate the symptoms first without giving medication.
  • Sport is essential for a successful course of therapy. Specialized physiotherapy is prescribed by the doctor.

Physiotherapy usually only includes 6-10 sessions, but you should memorize the exercises carefully and continue them consistently at home.

In the case of extreme tension, massage sessions can also be prescribed in addition to physiotherapy. This relieves the discomfort from inside and outside.

Warmth also releases tension. In the pharmacy or on the Internet there are special adhesive plasters that warm up after sticking and stay comfortably warm for up to 8 hours.

Acupuncture therapy has also proven successful.

Tip: Relaxation exercises such as autogenic training help to reduce your worries and psychological fears.

Drug treatment

Medicines can only alleviate the symptoms, but not combat the cause.


The doctor recommends pain relievers like ibuprofen if your pain is severe.

  • However, discuss the dosage carefully and only take the pain medication as needed.
  • So-called muscle relaxants can relieve tension and cramps, but are extremely reluctant to prescribe them.

The side effects are not without and include, among other things, severe exhaustion, poor concentration, inability to drive and constant fatigue .

  • Tension-relieving gels and creams are available from pharmacies without a prescription. These are mainly used by athletes.
  • The substances contained in the creams ensure a tingling and warm feeling on the skin as soon as the cream is rubbed in.

This often releases the tension quickly.

What can I do myself to alleviate my symptoms?

First of all, it is important to prevent the occurrence of ZVS and to prevent back problems

How to prevent cervical syndrome from occurring

So prophylaxis is the motto.


Living a healthy and balanced lifestyle reduces the risk of having to deal with ZVS.

  • Exercise regularly . Now, that doesn’t mean you should become a professional athlete.
  • Just try to make your day a little more active: for example, take a 30 minute walk after lunch.

Or take the stairs instead of the elevator. Try to take the bike instead of the car. Walk as often as possible.

Movement strengthens the cervical vertebrae

A fitness studio offers many possibilities to strengthen the muscles holistically.

Don’t like exercising alone? Give it a try with a training group:

Whether aerobics, Pilates, yoga or the like. Exercise of any kind has a positive effect on your body. And on your soul.

Tip: Swimming is particularly easy on the joints and effective.

Take care of your back in everyday life too

Is your office chair comfortable? An ergonomically shaped chair helps prevent neck tension.

Invest in a good, comfortable chair .

  1. Don’t sit in the same position for hours. Get up more often and stretch or stretch yourself and your muscles.
  2. Try to strengthen your back muscles with the help of an elastic terraband. Just 10-15 minutes a day will noticeably strengthen your back.
  3. Stress and depression are key factors in many illnesses. Try to minimize the stress as much as possible.

Important: In the case of chronic depression and anxiety, it is advisable to get professional help.

Depression is widespread, but very treatable.

Strengthening not only the body but also the mind

Do something good for yourself:

Treat yourself to things that you like. When you feel good about yourself, this is reflected in a healthy body feeling.

  • Relax in the evening and prepare yourself to fall asleep with a cup of nerve tea .
  • Treat yourself to a long nap to start the afternoon refreshed.

A relaxed mind also has a positive effect on the rest of the body.

Promote your sleep

How about your mattress?

There are now specially developed foam mattresses that adapt to the shape of your back and ensure a long, deep sleep.

  • Because restful sleep is just as important as strong back muscles.
  • Try to get at least seven, or even better eight, hours of healthy sleep a day.
  • Find the right sleeping position for the most relaxed night possible with many deep sleep phases .

Tip: You can find more information about the correct length of sleep here .

More tips for a healthy back

Keep your smartphone, books, etc. at eye level to avoid improper posture of the neck.

Obesity has a negative impact on all joints, bones and muscles. It is important to keep your weight within a healthy range.

A BMI of 20-25 is considered an ideal weight. Take this as a guide.

A healthy diet supports the body

In addition to exercise, a balanced diet is essential to keep your weight under control.

  • In addition, the right diet ensures an improved immune system, more performance and a good general condition.
  • Avoid ready-made products, fast food, sweets, and sweetened drinks. Cook yourself more often and drink plenty of water and unsweetened teas.

Muscle cramps can also develop when there is a lack of potassium. Eat more bananas because they contain potassium.

Tip: find the right pillow for you . For little money you get a lot of quality of life here.

If you already have symptoms

First of all: If in doubt, please always see a doctor to rule out serious illnesses.

A few simple home remedies can often be very effective in relieving many symptoms.

Warm the affected area

Warmth ensures that the tension is released. A warm bath works wonders for tense neck muscles.

Essential oils and muscle-relaxing bath additives also help.

Take a bath, get a little warmer, and relax for twenty to thirty minutes.

  • You can, for example, read a good book, drink a glass of wine or just take a nap.
  • It is important not only to relax your body but also your head, because often the problems are psychological in nature.

Alternatively, a hot water bottle also works wonders. Just make sure that the hot water bottle is not too hot. You don’t need an additional burn.

As I said, the pharmacy also has special heat patches that keep you warm for hours and relieve tension.

Rub-in creams

You can also buy sports creams there, which are activated by rubbing in and warming up.

You may also feel a tingling sensation on your skin. This activates the blood circulation and the spasm slowly resolves.

Protect your neck from drafts and keep it warm with a scarf. Cold has the opposite effect as warmth on the muscles.

Professional help

Get a massage from an experienced physiotherapist.

  • Unfortunately, the health insurance does not always approve a massage, but you can still use it privately.
  • In the field of osteopathy , too, there are many unconventional treatment methods that relieve tension quickly and effectively.

Visit the ostheopath you trust and give it a try.

Closing word

I hope this overview of all things cervical syndrome has helped you.

You are also welcome to browse the other categories and find out which measures you can take to improve your sleep (e.g. read here how you can sleep well for your back ).

Of course, there are also many other tips:

  1. If you want to sleep better, then read on through these numerous sleeping tips .
  2. The bedroom category provides helpful tips on how to best furnish your bedroom .
  3. In the next section you will find more information on common sleep problems and sleep disorders .
  4. We explain current studies (understandable for everyone) in the category of sleep research .

You can significantly improve your sleep with just a few measures. In addition to habits such as a sleep ritual, you can of course also focus on sport and an active lifestyle.

Take a few minutes to get a good night’s sleep.

I created Sleep Knowledge to share my interests and experiences on healthy sleeping with others. On this page I am therefore dealing with interesting questions about the optimal night’s sleep & everything else that goes with it.

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