What you should definitely consider when buying a car bed. Comprehensive guide with many recommendations and helpful buying tips.
When do childhood dreams come true? When our children’s bedroom is equipped with a car bed!
- Car beds stimulate our children’s imagination
- You make children’s dreams come true with a car bed
- Many models have exciting additional functions
A car bed is like a cot 2.0 with many attractive functions and features that normal cots cannot fulfill.
They clearly set themselves apart from ordinary children’s beds with exciting designs and unique features.
- There are almost as many car beds for our children as there are real vehicle classes on the road.
- You are spoiled for choice with the right car bed. The selection is huge and you can quickly lose track of things.
I wrote this article not just as a product recommendation.
I would like to offer you much more a comprehensive guide in which I will look at the entire concept of a car bed from a 360-degree perspective together with you.
In this article you will find tips, tricks and useful background knowledge on the right car bed models, how you can best equip them, what to consider before buying and when it makes sense to buy a car bed for your child .
Apart from that, I would like to recommend two car beds that have particularly impressed me.
There is one car bed for boys and one for girls.
Brief overview: test winner for boys & girls
Your son will likely be amazed with the following car bed:
Your daughter, on the other hand, should inspire you with the following car bed:
However, choosing the test winner was not easy either, because there are three different age groups and proportions of car beds for children.
The design varies greatly within the years and therefore there should actually be 3 × 3 test winners.
But I decided on those models as the test winner that …
- have a great and universal design
- have a strong price-performance ratio
- offer exciting and outstanding additional functions
But first I would like to briefly show you the advantages of car beds compared to normal children’s beds.
This should convince you quickly why car beds are currently so trendy and a good choice for your child.
Advantages of a car bed over ‘normal children’s beds’
Now one or the other reader may think that car beds only differ in appearance from normal children’s beds.
Therefore, a car bed is unlikely to have any advantages.
Not even close! There are some advantages that go beyond the mere appearance that I would like to briefly introduce to you:
They strengthen your child’s healthy self-confidence
First of all, of course, we should mention what the design of a car bed triggers in your child.
- It will be very big eyes and will proudly tell all its friends and relatives about its coolest sleeping place ever.
- A little boost of childlike self-confidence is almost guaranteed with a car bed!
However, a car bed is much more than a simple eye-catcher. How many other children can claim to sleep in a fire engine or racing car?
Your child will feel special and be infinitely grateful to you for buying a car bed.
The tires serve as protection against falling out
The attachments of the wheels also serve as protection against falling out. They are designed at head height and thus give your child additional security while sleeping.
Some car beds have been specially developed for the youngest age groups from 3 years. You can safely follow these age specifications from the manufacturer.
The fall protection on the sides of the car bed is usually big enough. Even if your child squirms in their sleep at night, the fall-out protection blocks a possible fall.
- I especially like that the fall protection is not really perceived as such. Usually, there are rough wooden blocks on the side of children’s beds to prevent them from falling out. They don’t look very nice.
- It is difficult to say afterwards whether the manufacturers deliberately designed and processed this fall-out protection with the tires, or whether it “couldn’t be avoided” due to the appearance and construction of the car bed.
But if the fall-out protection was processed as part of the design, as is the case with the car beds, then that is a small advantage and only becomes clear at second glance.
Additional floor space or storage space
Some car beds come with a useful additional feature.
They offer additional floor space or even hidden storage space for all kinds of children’s odds and ends and toys.
For example, some rear spoilers can be used as shelf space. Sometimes there are also ‘hidden trunk spaces’ or even additional seating areas outside the car bed.
I really liked these small but fine details and creative solutions within the design.
In my opinion, it’s more than just ‘nice to haves’ in a piece of furniture. Rather, I see it as an additional argument to impress parents AND children equally.
Now it is not just a question of the suitable model of a car bed for children. Correct timing is also important when buying a car bed.
When to consider a car bed for your child
It is, of course, easy to understand what use a cot should provide. Sleep, rest and comfort.
When it comes to car beds, however, I can think of other additional psychological benefits that ordinary children’s beds may not be able to provide. They depend in particular on the right time to buy.
So wait until the appropriate moment to buy a car bed. What exactly I mean are the following scenarios:
A car bed as the first own cot in the nursery
Our children need to be emotionally close to us parents. We rarely let you out of sight and unattended.
We also like to donate a feeling of security at night in order to accompany and weigh our children safely to sleep.
Children from some families need an even stronger emotional connection to their parents and would like to stay in their parents’ bedroom overnight as long as possible.
It can be quite exhausting when children do not want to sleep in their own bedroom.
Discussing this situation with your son or daughter is a gentle way of preparing him or her for growing up. At this moment it can make sense to consider a car bed for your child.
If your son or daughter can reward and motivate themselves with a car bed for sleeping in the nursery alone, so much the better. Then you have found a sensible approach.
Your child can identify with their first cot because they have a clear idea of a car bed.
- If you show your little son or daughter photos of the most beautiful car beds for toddlers, an impulse will be awakened in you. Because not every child is allowed to sleep in a ‘real’ car!
- A car bed doesn’t work miracles, of course, and this little trick won’t work for all children. Our children’s areas of interest are too different for that.
But when you let your child choose their own favorite model, you are helping him or her help themselves. You should use this precisely at the moment when your child may have problems falling asleep alone at night.
“You get the greatest car bed in the world and from now on you can sleep like a big boy or a big girl all by yourself in your room.”
Be responsive to your child’s interests
At some point, of course, our children start pondering what they would like to be later.
It is certainly far too early in life to commit to a specific career choice.
But let your child dream of their own job in our society.
- This makes it all the more meaningful and targeted for you to address your child’s interests and their early career aspirations. A car bed can be perfectly suited for this purpose.
- Of course, that doesn’t work with all professions. But it is certainly not possible with ordinary children’s beds. You can make use of this advantage if you wanted to buy a new cot anyway.
Just to give a few examples of the different models and designs in combination with the young dream job:
- A racing car for fast and fast racing drivers
- A fire engine for firefighters and lifesavers
- A police car for future police officers and heroes
With a car bed, you would kill two birds with one stone. These are just a few options that you can go into.
Even if your child does not want to pursue any of these career aspirations later, you can still stimulate your child’s imagination.
Future athletes or astronauts also have a great new play option in their children’s room.
Your child will notice if you encourage their dreams and support them in abstract thinking or do not leave them alone. Children need dreams and should dream. You can dream this dream together with a car bed for your child.
The ultimate reward and the perfect birthday present
“Mom, I want that too” – how often have you heard this sentence from your daughter or son?
Children copy a lot of strange behavior and of course orientate themselves on what other children already have.
Personally, as a little boy, I never wanted a car bed. Either these models simply didn’t exist in the 90s, or none of my playmates and friends at the time had such a car bed.
In that case, this desire for a car bed was never made in me at a young age.
- This is of course different nowadays. The design of a car bed has become very common and established. It’s much more common in children’s rooms today than it was in my own childhood.
- Therefore, there is also a greater ‘danger’ that your child could be inspired by a friend’s car bed. And then of course would like to have one yourself. Whining and whining are almost inevitable.
In my opinion, a car bed can be the ultimate reward for a goal achieved or a perfect birthday present.
Would your child be as happy about an ordinary cot for their birthday as they would about a cool designed car bed? You know the answer as well as I do.
So you may not only fulfill a great wish, but also directly solve the basic need for sleep = bed. If the children’s room was already in the process of being refurbished, you can kill two birds with one stone.
Of course, it’s not far to the next wish and the “I want it too”.
But if you fulfill the long-awaited wish and possibly still keep a promise, you can always refer to the car bed and have ‘a good’ with your son or daughter
With the right and clever timing, you can fulfill several additional uses with one car bed. These small psychological kicks in your child cannot be achieved by conventional cots.
However, there are still one or two things that you should pay special attention to before buying a car bed for your child.
What else you should consider before buying a car bed
Before buying a car bed, there is one or the other useful additional information that I would like to convey to you.
Quality determines durability – and security
When researching this item, several designs struck me as very cheap, as if they were made from paper mache with cheap imprints. You should therefore pay close attention to the material used when buying.
At first glance, some materials looked like thin wood made from pressboard.
At best, it should be made of solid wooden materials in order to remain stable and whole during the wild hustle and bustle and active games in the children’s room.
Of course, this does not only apply to the visible area outside the car bed, but also to the slatted frame (in most cases) supplied.
Your children should not exceed the maximum capacity of the slatted frame here. Of course, our children enjoy jumping on the bed in twos or threes.
However, the wooden structure of a car bed is never as elastic as a trampoline and of course we don’t want the slatted frame to break and our children to be injured. Also keep an eye on the load capacity of the mattresses used.
The right sizes for the little ones
Important: If I have specified a size in brackets for the models below, it is the size of the mattress, which is uniform for the manufacturer and decisive for the customers.
The dimensions of the car beds are very individual due to the unusual designs and vary greatly from one another.
When it comes to every cm of floor space in the nursery, then you really look very carefully at the dimensions of the car bed and not the dimensions of the mattress.
If you are dependent on the actual size of the car beds due to a small children’s room with short walls and little space, then the dimensions given below will not really help you.
Whether it was a few centimeters more in length, width or height in the end was not an exclusion criterion for me personally and was not a purchase decision. My interest in the car beds was not in the size of the furniture.
First and foremost, I was concerned with the exciting and unusual look and the many additional functions. So when I researched the products, I first looked at the mattress size.
The most important thing in addition to the solid quality of the car bed are the correct dimensions for orientation.
Usual sizes
As a rule, car beds are offered for the following dimensions, mattress sizes and age categories:
- 70 x 140 cm (toddlers from 1 – 6 years)
- 80 x 160 cm (children from 5 – 8 years)
- 90 x 200 cm (large children from 8 to 12 years)
Some car beds still have intermediate sizes within the lying areas of the mattresses or are permanently installed. You should also pay attention to this.
It would therefore be very complicated and time-consuming to exchange a mattress in between sizes or a custom-made mattress. This is also associated with additional costs.
Of course, it is important to take your child’s individual growth into account. Some children grow tall quickly, while others take more time.
The above age groups are therefore only to be understood as a rough guide for orientation. You yourself can best assess which car bed your child will most likely fit into.
Make sure you have a comfortable mattress
Almost all of the recommended car beds listed below are supplied without a mattress as standard.
So you also have to look for a suitable mattress for a baby bed , as well as pillows and cots , etc.
Some manufacturers of car beds also offer a mattress in the scope of delivery as a set. Most of the time, however, they are experts in the manufacture of furniture and only supply the mattress as a cheap complementary item.
It is then convenient to have an additional selling point. True to the motto “It’s good when the customer doesn’t have to worry about anything”.
However, these mattresses are usually of poor quality and made of relatively thin material.
So they are not really comfortable or sleep-inducing for our children. I would not generally advise against the car bed + mattress sets.
Because in the end you always buy the car bed first and foremost. But if a mattress is included in the scope of delivery, you should check it carefully and, if necessary, replace it with a mattress from a professional mattress manufacturer.
In this case, however, it may also be very good if you retrofit the car bed with high-quality products yourself in order to cater to the individual sleeping habits of your child.
You can look around for mattress toppers , viscoelastic mattress toppers or gel toppers, for example . With these inexpensive cushions, you can retrofit a poor mattress yourself and ensure more sleeping comfort.
You can find buying guides and test reports on many topics for the optimal sleep of our children at www.sleepwithjoy.com :
These are just a few useful articles about the right children’s products for the bedroom. In these and many other articles on our website you will find a lot of additional literature on the right sleeping equipment for your child.
You have to screw the car bed together yourself
Now the car bed has been delivered to your home and your child is already very excited. It probably can’t wait to try it out for the first time.
However, your child must first be patient. First of all, you have to assemble and screw the car bed yourself.
Bringing manual skills for self-assembly is therefore essential. See this as a shared activity and team building. Your child can help you here and there and hand you screws and tools.
Afterwards it can be said that the new car bed was set up together with dad and mom. Your child will be filled with pride when they have helped to build their own bed.
The time it takes to set up naturally varies greatly depending on the model. While some models can be easily screwed together within 60 minutes, others take several hours.
The only exception is perhaps those high-priced models that are made of plastic and not wood. These models then no longer have to be screwed together completely, unlike the wooden variants.
Since they are supplied in many large individual parts, assembly is even easier and faster.
Why I split this product review by gender
I have decided to sexually separate the following product test. There are several reasons for this:
- On the one hand, this should give you a better overview. So you can click through the products in the table of contents much faster if you want to look out for models specifically for boys or girls.
To alternately name a car bed for girls and one for boys would only cause confusion in this product review.
I don’t want that and I hope that it will help you keep track of things.
- On the other hand, of course, the colors and designs must be clearly separated from each other. There are also one or the other additional function that your son would love more than your daughter. And the other way around.
Not all car beds are the same and the manufacturers have already thought of something when producing and marketing the respective models.
Because of this, some manufacturers’ models target the gender of your child very clearly.
I think it’s good, should be like that and ultimately make the purchase decision easier for you as a customer.
Now, of course, there is basically nothing to prevent girls from sleeping in a sports car or a fire engine.
But hand on heart: It’s more of a social activity that our boys associate their dream jobs with. Surely your son had the wish or at least the rough idea of becoming a fireman or racing driver.
Conversely, I can hardly imagine boys in squeaky pink luxury cars with unicorns. It is true that nothing should never be completely ruled out in childhood. But I think you know what I’m getting at.
Overall, there are significantly more models for boys than girls to buy when it comes to car beds. Perhaps it is also this spontaneous basic idea of the manufacturer that should be associated with something masculine rather than feminine.
Car beds for boys in classic and traditional car design are much more dominant and easier to track down than pure girls’ cars.
Be that as it may: In this product test you will find more car beds for boys than for girls for this reason. Still, I went out of my way and scoured the internet to come up with a decent number for your daughters.
However, I would like to start with the car beds for boys.
Boys: The test winner
My favorite model. The lying area is spacious enough for the big little ones among us and there may be useful additional functions hidden.
The manufacturer calls this model ‘Energy’. And of course for good reason: LED lights operated by a power supply unit can be switched on and off using a switch. So your child has installed an ideal night light in the design of this car bed.
And hey – what’s cooler than a hyper-realistic car bed with headlights? The tires look really real too! The price of the test winner is also fair.
You don’t need to worry about safety either with the headlights on all night. Of course, no real headlights were used, but LED lights. The electricity costs are thus kept within limits and nothing can overheat due to the low heat development.
Your son can then use the rear spoiler to store decorations, toys and books. Another small and additional bonus point.
Warning: the above car bed is in blue color. You can still purchase the model in red and black.
However, the other two colors are more expensive than blue. That’s why I offered the cheapest of the three colors. Together with your child, decide whether the color is crucial to purchase and whether it is worth an extra charge.
Please note that the delivery does not include a slatted frame. I think that’s important for me to mention and for you to consider, since all other car beds in this buying guide are at least equipped with a slatted frame.
With this car bed you have to take care of it yourself and retrofit it manually. A small flaw and blemish of the test winner.
The manufacturer calls the insertion depth of the slatted frame approx. 10 cm. Depending on the choice of your individual slatted frame, the mattress may not be more than 15 cm thick. You would then have to pay attention to this, so that your child does not lie too high and fall out of bed.
Boys: A safe car bed for allergy sufferers
You need to take special measures if your child is allergic. This bed is especially suitable for young allergy sufferers, as their needs are meticulously addressed.
This car bed comes with a mattress, which is only 6cm high.
I find it a little too narrow, even if your children are not yet pressing on the mattress with any heavy weight. Here you should perhaps consider retrofitting with a thicker mattress.
The entire car bed is specified with a body weight of up to 100 kg. That should be enough. You can therefore sit with your child on the bed without hesitation and accompany them to sleep.
Before that, I mentioned the protection against falling out in the car beds. This bed is completely closed on three of four sides. The entry into the car bed has to be done from the front because the fall protection was designed and installed very carefully.
This completely prevents your child from falling sideways out of bed at night. It hardly gets safer than this solution.
Tip: Bed linen for allergy sufferers is recommended for best protection .
What I also notice separately are the many ecological aspects that the manufacturer of the car bed addresses. Among other things, the ecological printing technology HP Latex Druck was used, which has the following properties:
- Odorless
- Pollutant-free
- Hypoallergenic
- Environmentally friendly
- Certified according to ECOLOGO and GREENGUARD GOLD
In addition to the above model, the manufacturer offers this car bed in two other sizes (70x140cm and 180x80cm).
Boys: Cars’ Lightning McQueen – A champion in car racing and design
In my opinion, the best executed design is Lightning McQueen’s car bed from the Disney film ‘Cars’.
In contrast to many other car beds, this copy by Cars is a true-to-design replica in a cool comic style.
The car bed from Cars is recommended by the manufacturer for children aged 18 months and over. At that age, it may be too early to know this fast-paced character from the Disney movie. But what is not can still be.
The manufacturer recommends the use of this car bed up to the age of 5.
You should take this into account when buying this model, because the manufacturer also specifies the maximum load weight of up to 30 kg. So I wouldn’t want to risk more in this case.
A small bench at the end of the bed can serve as a seat. In addition, your child can use the hood in the form of a drawer made of fabric ideal for storing toys and books.
What you can of course combine perfectly with this car bed from Cars would be bed linen designed by Cars. But that’s just an additional mind game of mine and not a must.
It’s actually a bit of a shame that the manufacturer has only concentrated on the very young target group with the size of this car bed from Cars. I’m sure that children aged 6 – 12 would be just as happy with this design in the next larger model.
Guys: For the firefighters among us
The same manufacturer as the aforementioned test winner offers another impressive model. Put a whole fire truck in your child’s room right away.
Almost all product descriptions as with the test winner apply here again:
- There is no slatted frame included
- The lying surface is also suitable for mattresses measuring 90 x 200 cm
- The fire engine is also equipped with LED headlights that you can use as a night light.
- The tires also look very realistic
Well, except for the color, in contrast to the sports car shown above, you are relatively limited and have no additional choice. But a fire engine any color other than red would look pretty stupid too.
As a small bonus and additional argument, I can still see the blue light on top of the roof. This gives the model an additional pinch of realism and should of course not be missing in a detailed fire engine.
Guys: wicked futurism
What doesn’t exist these days. I thought that the aforementioned sports cars would end at some point.
- But I found two models that somehow crown this entire product test.
- These two car beds below are in a very high price range and therefore may not reflect everyone’s budget.
Perhaps because of the high price, there are still no customer opinions and product reviews.
So enjoy the following two luxury cars and futuristic and detailed automobiles. But I didn’t want to withhold these car beds from you because of their realistic absurdity.
Now I have to honestly admit that the following car bed itself amazed me:
- Bed? Good!
- Car bed? Better!
- This model? The hammer!
Of course, this car bed is difficult to pin down at first glance. However, the same applies to transport.
We’re talking about a total of 150 kilograms (!) Of product weight, which you have to move into the children’s room and still have to build. But it can be loaded up to a maximum of 120 kg.
What did I mean by crazy futurism in the headline?
- This car bed has touch sensor headlights; LED light strips processed under the bed and a remote control. So pushing a button was yesterday.
- The scope of delivery also includes a two-layer orthopedic mattress. It is 13 cm thick and of medium hardness. You can choose this car bed in the colors blue, red, black and white.
The entire length of the lying surface can be raised away from the foot end so that additional storage space is free. So there is enough space for all kinds of toys.
- The printed design samples have been printed in the highest resolution to embody additional realism.
- They are also covered with laminate so that the printout is protected from UV rays and water.
But that’s just for information. So if you have planned to position the car bed in the garden or sink it straight into the swimming pool, theoretically nothing speaks against it.
However, the manufacturer still specifies the additional function “only suitable for domestic use”.
Guys: Luxury solutions with lots of extras
Unfortunately, this car bed is not yet roadworthy.
But if you thought that there was no way to increase it, sit back and look at the following model.
You read that right. This car bed has two side doors so that getting into the car (bed) can be simulated even more realistically.
This is also the very best built-in fall protection that I could find. I haven’t found any other model that offers security protection from all four sides. This guarantees 100% safety and 0% falls are possible.
There is also a remote control here that can operate two LED front lights and four white LED tires.
You can control various color modes, under-floor lighting, the turn signals on the exterior mirror and other lighting effects. Much more than just a night light.
As if the lighting effects weren’t dazzling enough, your child can also let sound effects roar.
For example, this car bed can imitate the starting noise of the engine, the horn, driving noise and the beep-beep-closing noise.
In addition, the outer material processed with plastic is marked by the manufacturer as free of harmful substances and with an antibacterial surface. Also the material used is:
- Odorless
- Heat resistant
- Water repellent
- Scratch-resistant inside and out
Please note that these two models are really very special car beds.
- They each have built-in mattresses in an individual size and even luxurious additional equipment.
- All of this is not standard and is particularly problematic if you want to replace part of these car beds.
Please bear in mind that with these car beds, with all this exuberance, you are not supposed to fulfill your own wishes, but those of your child.
Some of the additional functions are really abstract and I didn’t think that something like this was possible.
Do you have the necessary budget and are you ready to spend it? Then of course you can fulfill your children’s dream for luxury with these car beds with a clear conscience and become a parental superhero.
Girls: The test winner
Sports cars generally have a sleek and masculine design?
You’re wrong – I’ll show you a roadster with a design that your daughter literally “loves”.
What I particularly liked about this car bed for girls is that you can also personalize it with your daughter’s name for free.
Your daughter’s individual name will then shine on the license plate of the car. A really great idea!
You can order this car bed in two different sizes – I have marked the larger version for you. You also have the option of choosing a smaller model for the mattress size 70 x 140 cm.
The bed is designed for a load of 100 kilograms. So more than enough for two children. The scope of delivery is a complete set and contains a slatted frame and a mattress that is 7 cm high.
Again, it is practically impossible for your daughter to fall out of bed at night and fall. Entry into this cot can either be at the front or at the back. The sides of this car bed are optimally equipped with a continuous fall protection.
PS: The manufacturer also offers this car bed many other designs (e.g. taxi, many racing cars, police cars, army vehicles), all of which you can also personalize with your child’s name. So it’s worth stopping by if your child has a very special or eccentric wish.
Girls: A car bed for young women
Of course, the young women shouldn’t miss out in the imaginative world of cars. Special car beds are also available for them. I particularly noticed three examples for girls:
The design of this car bed for girls is unmistakably feminine with butterflies and flowers. It was also painted in the matching colors (pink or pink) for girls.
The high-quality slatted frame in sandwich construction consists of 16 slats and can carry a load of up to 90kg. So when your daughter’s best friend is visiting, both of them can sleep together in this car bed for girls.
But if the princess doesn’t want to sleep in a car like her subjects, then of course it can be the whole carriage:
Girl: A heavenly carriage as a car bed
At the beginning I wrote about jobs that are more associated with boys and that those areas of interest can be realized with car beds.
With the girls, it is a bit difficult with a job and car bed. Is princess a real job? In that case, your daughter will feel the same way with the following carriage.
With its slightly smaller dimensions, this car bed in a carriage design is more suitable for young princesses up to the age of 6. So it is ideal as the first own cot.
Many parents have reported that this bed made their daughters finally sleep alone in their own children’s room. So if that is no psychological help in the maturation process …
- But the canopy is really cool (the pomp and ornamental roof of the carriage), which is attached with LED lights.
- The car bed literally shines in a new shine. You would also have provided a night light if your daughter is afraid in the dark.
There is also a model without lights from the same manufacturer. But it has additional storage space in the form of drawers and a seat
Unless you have dignifiedly addressed your daughter as ‘princess’ before, you should slowly but surely get used to this royal grace.
Girl: A nice cot with a bright smile
Purely from the lying area of the mattress with 90 x 200 cm, this bed is more intended for older and older girls.
The rather comic and somewhat infantile look is also suitable for little princesses.
I therefore consider it a balanced interim solution or a good mix of both.
Entry is easy via the lowered side of the bed. There is no mattress included. The insertion depth of the mattress of your choice is approx. 15 cm
The lying area is very large for your daughter – the fall protection on the side of the beds is rather low. For this reason, I would rather advise you to retrofit here manually and attach additional wooden struts. Or to choose a flat mattress.
If you do that, again the bed is very suitable for little girls and can then be bought by your daughter at an early age and then used for many years in the long term. This procedure makes perfect sense and you can remove the additional wooden struts after a few years.
Nicely finished applications in pink give the impression that this car bed was designed with great attention to detail. And I also find it very suitable for young women with a lot of imagination.
Girls: The luxury solution – a pink convertible with sound
You will surely remember the two over-decorated car beds from the luxury category for boys, which are full of additional functions. Where sleeping was relegated to a minor matter.
What boys can do, girls can do for a long time!
I don’t want to start singing hymns of praise for the additional functions á la ‘Hard to believe and there is no such thing’. The fact that the car can also honk and emit LED light will no longer be able to pull you off your feet.
Instead of repeating myself, I’d rather highlight the characteristics that make this car bed a good alternative for girls.
I was surprised by the weight of 70 kg. It’s still quite heavy for a cot, but only half the weight of the boys’ luxury sports car.
According to the manufacturer, this car bed was processed using low-pollutant and solvent-free materials. The plastic used is considered antibacterial.
This presented model also has side doors for entry. As a result, the fall protection is also well designed and extends almost to the foot end.
Car beds are wonderful alternatives for the children’s room.
I hope that you felt like me and that you were also impressed or at least surprised by one or the other model.
There are also police cars * , jeeps * , F1 cars * SUV * and many other models from different manufacturers.
All of these car beds have a beautiful design or a clever additional function with exciting and useful properties.
But at some point there is enough and it was difficult enough to limit oneself to the best specimens from the large selection of good products.
I could have gone on and on listing other models of car beds.
You should give serious thought to a car bed if a new cot is soon on the agenda anyway. For me personally, car beds are worthwhile alternatives.
The longer I think about it, the more I could have made friends and been enthusiastic about a car bed from today in my childhood.
Well, I had a loft bed with a huge hiding place underneath the mattress – that was cool enough back then and the non-plus-ultra!
There are also no special care or cleaning instructions for car beds to be observed.
With the exception of the three extravagant luxury models, the car beds shown from the product tests are all made with ordinary materials and fabrics. Maintain and clean the car bed just like a normal bed.
I hope you could find some inspiration in the featured products. Of course, that was by no means all, but only car beds available from Amazon that are delivered free of charge.
There are of course a few other exciting models from well-known furniture stores. So you can also find a car bed at Poco, Roller, Osterman, Porta or many other local furniture stores.
I created Sleep Knowledge to share my interests and experiences on healthy sleeping with others. On this page I am therefore dealing with interesting questions about the optimal night’s sleep & everything else that goes with it.