Real insider tips & effective aids against loud snoring in comparison. The most effective anti-snoring products in all price ranges.
Snoring is a real problem and not only can it be bad for your health, it can be a tough test of pretty much any relationship.
- Anyone who has ever spent a sleepless night next to someone who snores knows what I’m talking about.
- It is not for nothing that many people look for help against their own snoring – or that of their partner.
Snoring can have different causes and depending on what triggers it, different remedies can help.
In the current article, however, I will introduce you to products that you can buy and that (more or less) effectively help against snoring.
In detail, it concerns these topics:
As you can see, the areas of application are as varied and extensive as the list of special anti-snoring products.
I hope you will find exactly the insider tip here that will help you against your snoring (and, with my help, avoid ineffective farm trapping that only costs expensive money).
Tip: What tried and tested home remedies are available and how you can change your routines to reduce your snoring – that’s what the article Anti-Snoring is about .
Just follow the link if you want to read more on this topic.
How do anti-snoring products work?
Anti-snoring products are all items that are commercially available and that can influence your sleep and / or your snoring behavior.
- All of these products try to influence the causes of your snoring – however, they often differ greatly in how they work.
- Nasal sprays, for example, ensure a clear nose, while special snoring pillows improve your sleeping position (and are intended to prevent loud noises).
So in order to choose the right anti-snoring aid, it is very important to first know where your snoring came from (more on this in a moment).
An important tip before buying
If you are unsure of how much you snore, when you snore and where your snoring is coming from, I can give you 2 recommendations:
- Snoring Diary result: Write down all the information about your snoring behavior: When and how was snoring, what you have brought to them at bedtime, what position did you sleep, how often woke you have colds or breathing difficulties before etc.
- Download snoring apps: Snoring apps are very helpful companions to get to the bottom of your snoring behavior. The applications for cell phone or mobile react to your snoring and collect a lot of useful data.
Note: This page has a dedicated article about the best snoring apps (including a few free recommendations).
The best anti-snoring products in comparison
In order to be able to present the anti-snoring products to you in an orderly and clear manner, I have classified them according to the nature of their effect.
In my opinion, this is the best way to help you quickly find the variant that is effective in your snoring behavior.
I have divided the anti-snoring products presented here into 3 different categories:
- Products for better breathing
- Products for a better sleeping position
- Electronic anti-snoring products
Depending on what is causing your snoring, check out what is available in the specific category.
Anti-snoring products that affect breathing
The products presented here are primarily intended to help you breathe better while you sleep.
- Some are specifically designed for nasal breathing problems (if your nose is blocked, many breathe through your mouth, which can make loud noises)
- Other snoring products, on the other hand, correct the position of the jaw and tongue to ensure rest at night.
But read for yourself:
Nasal spreader
Experts repeatedly confirm that breathing through the nose is more natural and healthier than breathing through the mouth .
- Those who breathe through their nose also snore less than those who breathe through their mouth.
- In order to improve nasal breathing, the nasal spreader spreads the nostrils and thus ensures a better supply of oxygen.
The different products currently available on the market all follow the same principle:
Small plastic tubes are inserted into the nasal cavities and the bridge between them ensures that the nasal flights spread gently.
As a result, the nostrils cannot contract and at the same time clogging is prevented.
Example products:
EasySleep Pro anti snoring nasal dilator
Cozibreath snore stopper
Efficiency : For people who have major nasal breathing problems, a nasal retractor can be very efficient. 4 out of 5 points
Nasal patches are an alternative to nasal spreaders. Unfortunately, putting any kind of patch on your nostrils in any way doesn’t help.
That is not the point.
Nasal patches are patches specially made for the purpose of spreading the nostrils. They are used for snoring suppression and also in sports.
If you want to try these out, you should use an appropriate product instead of making a nasal patch.
Example products:
RuneSol® nose strips
BREATHE Right Original
Efficiency : Nasal patches are a good way to see if improved nasal breathing will reduce your snoring. If this is the case, however, it is better to get a good nasal spreader in the medium term. 3 out of 5 points
Anti-snoring splints
If it is not nasal breathing but mouth breathing or tongue position that are responsible for snoring, a snore splint is an efficient product for reducing snoring.
These anti snoring splints are recommended if snoring occurs in the back of the throat.
A distinction is made between 2 types of snoring splints. There are
- One-piece snoring splints and
- Two-part snoring splints
The more precisely the snoring splint fits (and has the same physiological properties as the size of the nose), the more effective they are.
Since snoring splints are currently considered to be one of the most effective remedies against snoring, I will dedicate a separate article to the topic. Read more about the topic under the title Everything you should know about snoring splints .
Example products:
SomnoFit anti-snoring mouthpiece
Anti-snoring master
Efficiency: Snoring splints are currently considered to be a very effective remedy for snoring. 90 percent of people who suffer from respiratory problems in the mouth can achieve good results in the short term with an anti-snoring mouthpiece. 5 out of 5 points.
Anti-snoring mouthpiece
The anti-snoring mouthpiece tries to suppress mouth breathing.
- Those who cannot breathe through their mouth will automatically breathe through their nose. This is supposed to reduce snoring.
- The mouthpieces are similar to the mouthguard / mouth guard a boxer and sit between the teeth and lips.
Compared to the anti snoring mouthpiece, these mouthpieces can be cheaper, but experience reports show that they are more uncomfortable in daily use.
Example products:
Anti snoring mouthpiece somnipax shield
Snore stop grille (including nose spreader)
Efficiency: If you can get used to the fact that the mouth remains closed with a mouthpiece, you may be able to reduce snoring with a mouthpiece. In general, however, these products do not offer very effective snoring protection. 2 out of 5 points
Anti-snoring chin band
If the idea of a plastic splint or mouthpiece doesn’t appeal to you, you can try an anti-snoring chin strap as an alternative.
This is placed around your head and is intended to prevent you from opening your mouth while you sleep.
It is important to pay attention to good workmanship. The chin strap should not be too tight and should not wear out too quickly, otherwise it will lose its effect.
Example products:
SUPTEMPO anti-snore chin strap
MARNUR anti snoring chin strap
Efficiency: The many positive reviews in online shops prove that a chin strap can be a very efficient tool for mouth snorers. After a period of getting used to, these products can help you sleep more calmly with less snoring. 4 out of 5 points.
Palate tissue and oral cavity trainer
To train the palate tissue, you can use an appropriate breathing training device.
You have to use this several times a day for several minutes and it helps you to perform various breathing exercises.
If you do this consistently over a set period of time, the tissue in the oral cavity and throat should tighten and help prevent snoring noises.
Other exercise devices are designed to keep your mouth closed while you sleep.
Example products:
Lung trainer SMILE
FaceFormer – Dr. Berndsen Original
Efficiency: Breathing trainers are especially effective when snoring is caused by breathing problems. Most exercise equipment, however, should only be used after consulting a doctor.
CPA Geräte (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure)
A CPA machine with a face mask is the most extensive and most expensive device that you can currently use for snoring and sleeping problems.
These are face masks that are connected to a pump and use a constant flow of air to specifically influence your breathing.
Doctors usually only recommend using these masks if snoring is chronic and dangerous sleep apnea cases occur, in which breathing stops during sleep.
Example products:
Transcend CPAP Gerät Starter Pack
Efficiency: CPA devices are very efficient against sleep apnea and also against snoring.
However, the very high acquisition costs and the inconvenient use only make it recommendable if there are specific health problems.
I always recommend consulting a doctor before purchasing a CPA device. 5 out of 5 points
Anti snoring spary
Very different anti snoring sprays are available in stores.
- Some are nasal-only sprays; others can be sprayed directly down the throat. The purpose of the sprays is to clear and moisten the airways.
- Anti-snoring sprays are usually promising if your snoring is a temporary phenomenon.
However, depending on the type, you should definitely avoid the long-term use of such sprays – over-the-counter sprays in particular often contain active ingredients that are addictive.
Example products:
Snoreeze throat spray
Efficiency: Anti snoring sprays can be effective for sporadic snoring. For chronic snoring, it is better to use other means. 3 out of 5 points
Anti-snoring products that influence the sleeping position
In addition to breathing, your own sleeping position is very often a decisive factor when snoring.
- Research has shown that people who sleep on their side snore less frequently than those who sleep on their back.
- Special products against snoring should try to bring you to a side sleeping position as gently as possible.
Among other things, there are these products on the market:
Anti-snoring pillow
An anti-snoring pillow tries to change the position of the sleeper’s head and thus stop snoring.
There are snoring pillows in very different designs and shapes.
Elevations in the middle of the pillow automatically move the head to a side position when sleeping, for example.
Other pillows, on the other hand, have recesses that fix the position of the head in the side position.
In addition to the simple anti-snoring pillows, there are also those that are coupled with speakers or other electronic accessories.
These music pillows can play melodies when sleeping noises , influence the snore with tones or have air cushions that change the position of the head when activated by noise.
Example products:
AGIA TEX anti-snoring pillow
SISSEL Silencium – Interactive Anti-Scharch Pillow
Efficiency: The effectiveness of an anti-snoring pillow strongly depends on the person concerned. There are people who change their position very often during the night. Others sleep without moving much.
Some pillows have received very good reviews, mainly because there are inexpensive entry-level models and you don’t need to make major changes to your sleep patterns.
Tip: This guide will give you more advice on buying a pillow .
Anti-snoring backpacks
These backpacks are positioning aids that are designed to get you to avoid lying on your back while you sleep.
The special shape brings you back to a side sleeping position every time you try to turn on your back.
In the beginning, sleeping backpacks are rather annoying. As the body is used to assuming its normal sleeping position, this can lead to restless sleep.
However, once you have got used to the new sleeping position, the anti-snoring backpack is hardly a problem and you can even remove it completely after a certain time.
Example products:
Tomed SomnoCushion Anti Snore Backpack
Night watchman 00721 anti-snoring vest
Efficiency: If your sleeping position is solely responsible for your snoring, an anti-snoring backpack can provide you with quick help against snoring.
Make sure that the backpacks are made of breathable material so that you don’t sweat too much while you sleep. 3 out of 5 points
Electronic products to help prevent snoring
In addition to the variants already presented, which are supposed to influence the causes of snoring, there are recently more and more electronic devices for this purpose.
These usually react at night when they hear snoring noises.
The product range extends from recording devices to music and sound recordings to certain lamps that are supposed to influence your sleep.
Very popular – since most of them are available free of charge – are snoring apps for mobile phones and tablets . Other products are:
Anti-snoring bracelet
Just like fitness wristbands that are so popular today, an anti-snoring wristband can track how you sleep.
This feature is useful for knowing how much you snore and how long your deep sleep is. Other bracelets try to use vibration to get the snore to stop snoring.
This method is rather dubious and has no studies on its efficiency. Snoring is often only stopped for a very short time by the impulses.
Example products:
Anti-snoring bracelet
Anti snore watch
Efficiency: Rather doubtful. There are hardly any positive product reviews on the Internet. 2 out of 5 points.
If dry air is causing your snoring, a humidifier can work wonders.
The humidifier increases the humidity in the bedroom and prevents the mucous membranes from drying out. With some humidifiers, the addition of essential oils increases the effectiveness.
Example products:
Efficiency: Humidifiers can produce surprisingly good results for snoring. This actually very obvious and natural solution is unfortunately often forgotten. 4 out of 5 points.
Conclusion on the anti-snoring products in the test
Since every person is different and snoring can have many different causes, it is impossible to recommend a specific product against snoring.
While some heavy snorers stop snoring with a simple anti-snoring pillow, others have not felt any relief even after testing with the most expensive products.
The more you know about yourself and your snoring, the easier it will be to find an effective product.
Since many anti snoring products are not too expensive, I recommend that you try some of the products that are right for you. You should get a good night’s sleep.
Closing word
If you want to read more on the subject, then I recommend this overview article about snoring .
Certain home remedies for snoring are at least as effective as many anti-snoring products . This also includes changes in behavior, which I explain in more detail in the linked article.
You are also welcome to browse this page and do something good for yourself.
- You may want to learn more about what to consider when choosing a cozy pillow .
- Or maybe you just want to find out how to sleep better and give yourself a few hours of rest
- However, many Germans may suffer from various sleep disorders that depress their well-being.
- Last but not least, it also makes sense to know about current sleep research findings & apply them in practice.
Just jump to the point that seems most interesting and start creating a better quality of life today.
More about snoring:
- Snoring (overview article with all information)
- Home remedies for snoring
- Snoring During Pregnancy
- The best snoring apps
- Nasal patch for snoring
- Snoring splints
I created Sleep Knowledge to share my interests and experiences on healthy sleeping with others. On this page I am therefore dealing with interesting questions about the optimal night’s sleep & everything else that goes with it.