Snoring remedies – what can you do yourself?

Here are the best remedies for snoring. Find out what you can do about loud snoring yourself – from cheap home remedies to better habits that prevent annoying noises.

Snoring is uncomfortable, regardless of whether you snore yourself or have a partner who is in the same bed and snores.

A healthy night’s sleep is essential for physical wellbeing, so there are some things you should do:

  • Both if you only snore occasionally …
  • … as well as if you already suffer from chronic snoring.

In addition to medical interventions for the most difficult cases, there are also many inexpensive aids and home remedies that can help you to relieve your snoring.

Below is a detailed list of all common remedies for snoring.

As you can see, the list of remedies is as extensive as the possible causes of snoring. Hope you can find answers to all of your questions as the article progresses.

Introduction: cause and effect of snoring

Before I start to introduce you to the different remedies for snoring, I would just like to briefly discuss the causes of snoring.

  • Many types of snoring are related to breathing, others to the position of the sleeper .
  • Sometimes deformations in the throat area or health reasons are also triggers for snoring.

So before you start trying snoring remedies, try to research what type of snore you are.

The main article Everything you should know about snoring on this page gives you lots of details and practical help .

Anti-snoring products

The industry has long since discovered the large snorer market for itself. If you search for “what helps against snoring” in a search engine on the Internet, you will almost automatically be redirected to special product pages.

Note: Since the list of products against snoring is very extensive, I will introduce you to many of the best anti-snoring products in a very specific and detailed manner in a separate article .

Products for better breathing

The range of products is as varied as it is confusing. For example, many try to influence breathing during sleep.

But, could you say off the cuff whether a nasal spreader or an anti-snoring splint is the more effective remedy for snoring for you?

Products for a better sleeping position

In addition to products that affect your breathing, there are also products that are designed to improve your sleeping position.

Special pillows or articles that are supposed to encourage sleeping on the side are the most common variants.

Tip: In this article on side sleeper pillows you will learn everything important and recommendations about the best models.

Electronic anti-snoring products

Electronic aids against snoring are also becoming increasingly popular.

From snoring apps for the phone or tablet to special alarm clocks and lamps that notice and react to your snoring, you can find many new products.

Note: Here’s an overview of the best snoring apps out there right now.

Change routines and prevent snoring

Before you start ordering expensive products, however, you should think twice about your routines and how you can change them to do something about snoring.

To get better control of bad habits and repetitive incidents, I recommend you keep a snoring diary.

You don’t even have to go through this for months – usually just a few weeks are enough to recognize patterns & find out more about your own snoring.

How a snoring diary can help you

Put a copybook next to the bed and take notes before going to sleep and / or after waking up.

Record the following data in it:

The data collected in this way will help you to better classify your snoring. You may also find some interesting matches here.

Sometimes it is for example alcoholic beverages , tobacco or certain foods that can provoke snoring. Sometimes the sleeping position, on the other hand, is the decisive factor for snoring.

Tip: We often do not notice our own snoring – it is best to ask your partner in the morning about the noise level of the previous night.

Simple anti-snoring means to improve nasal breathing

If you find that your breathing is causing your snoring, there are some simple things you can do to improve your breathing.

Here is an overview:

  1. Put on a nasal patch. This will open your nostrils and help with nasal breathing
  2. Use menthol cream : the essential vapors make breathing easier through the mouth and nose
  3. Blow your nose vigorously before sleeping (removes nasal secretions, which can clog the nose)

Tip: You can also use these steps to create your own personal sleep ritual.

For example, drink a cup of tea (the vapors loosen phlegm & have a liberating effect), let the past day happen again and then gently rub your nose with cream.

Less mouth breathing can stop snoring

In general, snoring is more common if you breathe through your mouth instead of your nose.

  • Inhaling can cause tissues in the throat to vibrate, which then leads to unpleasant snoring noises.
  • The mouth can also dry out & lead to dental problems (caries bacteria spread much faster as a result).

A simple way to keep your mouth from accidentally opening while you sleep is to wear a loose headband.

You can place this so that the mouth remains closed. Just try out whether this remedy helps you to reduce your snoring.

For this method to work, the headband must be elastic and have sufficient elastic band to prevent the mouth from opening in a comfortable position.

Note: If the problem persists, always contact a specialist. You can find more information about mouth breathing here .

Changing the sleeping position can help prevent snoring

If you find that you only snore while sleeping on your back, try changing your sleeping position.

  • This seems a bit difficult at first, as the body automatically looks for its usual position while sleeping.
  • But with a little patience & (special pillows & neck rolls ) it is possible to change your sleeping habits.

Fact: When sleeping on your back, the tongue is often responsible for the snoring noises. It blocks the airways and can even provoke unhealthy sleep apnea.

  • Group the pillows in your bed so that your body is gently pushed to the side.
  • This also affects the position of your tongue in your oral cavity. Record the results in your snoring diary.

If you already have a snoring journal and know more about your snoring habits, you can also try some traditional home remedies for snoring.

Home remedies for snoring

Many of the remedies described here are as effective as purchased products. So there is absolutely no harm in trying them out.


But: If you have chronic snoring, a visit to the ENT doctor is also worthwhile. This can also diagnose (or rule out) serious health problems.

Essential oils

Essential oils help protect the mouth from drying out and thus prevent breathing problems while sleeping. They are plant-based and have different application methods.

The most common are:

  • Gurgeln
  • tincture
  • Evaporation

To make essential oils yourself, you only need an oil as a base, for example olive oil, as well as some herbs or plants that contribute the pleasant smell.

Typical examples are eucalyptus, pine needles or sage. The herbs are soaked in oil for several days before use.

Tip: Of course, you can also take the easier route and buy ready-made essential oils .

Inhale with steam

To keep both your nose and throat hydrated, you can inhale water vapor before sleeping.

Boil water and then inhale the vapors. This works best if you spread a cloth over the water tank and your head.

Inhaling helps against a blocked nose and irritated mucous membranes and can thus prevent classic causes of snoring.

Drink calming tea

It often helps to drink a cup of herbal tea before going to bed. This warms the throat and moisturizes the mucous membranes.

In addition, the ingredients of the tea have a calming effect. Peppermint, sage or chamomile tea are particularly recommended against snoring.

Note: Read more about the benefits of sleeping teas here .

Onion halves next to the bed

Cut two onions in half and place them on a plate next to your bed. The fumes emanating from the onion soothe the nose and throat.

This old home remedy is also used successfully for coughing, but is also extremely effective for snoring.

Medical interventions that stop snoring

Sometimes all home remedies do not help against chronic snoring. Then professional treatment is often necessary.

To relieve you of the greatest concern: only in very few cases is snoring a serious disease that needs to be treated medically by a doctor.

And operations are only necessary in the case of serious deformations.

Your doctor should clarify chronic snoring

If your snoring is chronic and even simple aids do not provide relief, see your GP and get examined and advice.

If the doctor’s findings indicate a disease, medical intervention is necessary.

This will be done by an ear, nose and throat doctor. In the meantime, almost all operations are routine processes that do not involve any danger.

The most common surgical interventions against snoring are:

Surgery of the nasal septum eliminates snoring

If the ENT doctor determines that the nasal septum is impaired, a small operation will help to straighten it and thus eliminate the snoring problem. At the same time, breathing through the nose is also significantly improved.

Surgery of the floor of the palate to relieve snoring

If soft tissue in the roof of your mouth is responsible for your snoring, this will be eliminated with a palate floor tightening. This is not really tightened, but excess soft tissue is surgically removed.

Operation of the tonsils against snoring

In some cases, removing the tonsils can also eliminate snoring. They can have a negative effect on breathing, especially if they are extremely large or frequently inflamed.

Correcting the jaw position can eliminate snoring

In very rare cases, a misalignment of the jaw is also responsible for snoring. In this case, the doctor will try to put the jaw in a better position to correct the problem of snoring.

Conclusion: Operations are rarely necessary for snoring and most of them can be carried out by a doctor on an outpatient basis, or they are associated with a rather short hospital stay.

Conclusion: what is the best remedy for snoring?

As you have read throughout this article, there is no silver bullet for snoring.

The means you can use to relieve your snoring are as varied as the causes of snoring.


Depending on how severe your snoring problem is, I would always recommend that you try some of the classic home remedies first and try to change your routines.

These are simple steps that cost nothing and often provide a remedy.

More tips for better sleep

You are also welcome to browse this page and do something good for yourself.

  • You may want to learn more about what to consider when choosing a cozy pillow .
  • Or maybe you just want to find out how to sleep better and give yourself a few hours of rest
  • However, many Germans may suffer from various sleep disorders that depress their well-being.
  • Last but not least, it also makes sense to know about current sleep research findings & apply them in practice.

Just jump to the point that seems most interesting and start creating a better quality of life today.

If none of this helps, you can read about snoring products in this post . If your snoring is chronic, it is important to see a doctor and get treatment based on the diagnosis.

I created Sleep Knowledge to share my interests and experiences on healthy sleeping with others. On this page I am therefore dealing with interesting questions about the optimal night’s sleep & everything else that goes with it.

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